How to make money out of cartoonist

Posted: 4996699 Date: 22.07.2017

A lot of my childhood was swept up in comics. Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, Dilbert, and comics in that vein. Nowadays, though, a lot of great comics are being published on the web as webcomics.

You might be interested in adding to the pool, but what if you want to do it full-time? The web is full of content ranging from general humor webcomics 8 Awesome Webcomics You Don't Want To Miss 8 Awesome Webcomics You Don't Want To Miss Read More to webcomics for geeks 10 Awesome Webcomics Drawn Just For Geeks 10 Awesome Webcomics Drawn Just For Geeks Webcomics are arguably more popular now than they ever have been before.

This is mainly due to a marked increase in the quality of content, with some webcomics being both magnificently written and magnificently drawn Whatever your genre, whatever your niche, you will be able to find an audience as long as you write well and put yourself out there every day.

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So how do you make money from it? Keep reading to find out how most artists keep their bank accounts afloat with publishing their drawings. Perhaps the easiest way to make money with a webcomic is by displaying some ads on your website. Google AdSense is the go-to option here, especially if this is your first time dealing with web ads on a site you operate. Either way, web ads are great because they act as passive income — once you grow a sizeable audience, web ads are like free money.

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how to make money out of cartoonist

Musicians survive off of CD sales and concert tickets. Like music artists, webcomic artists produce a product that ends up being a promotional tool for other mechanise. Unless you charge a subscription, no one is actually paying for the webcomic itself.

This means that your webcomic must become a marketing element that convinces your readers to buy other goods from you, which will be part of your survival.

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What can you sell? Well, if your comic characters are loveable, you could sell anything ranging from T-shirts to mugs to posters to toys that depict those characters. You want to appeal to your fans and their love for your work. Once you have a sizeable archive of completed strips, you could pursue a publishing route that takes all of those strips and binds them into a physical book for sale. I loved reading these compilation books as a kid and people still love reading them today.

A worthy mention goes to special art sales that are sold to your fans. For example, suppose a fan requests that you draw a particular poster of a particular in a particular pose? Or what if you want to sell your original inkings to your fans?

Depending on your skills and your audience, these could sell for quite a pretty penny. Sure, fans like to support you, but at least with merchandise and print sales, they benefit from the transaction.

Donations can be hard to extract save from the most hardcore of fans. One way to make it work would be to run an annual or semi-annual donation drive.

You let your readers know that it costs money to draw, ink, and host your comics on the web. If you build a case, readers will sympathize. If you build it badly, though, you could come off as needy or desperate, which could drive away readers.

None of the four methods outlined above are sure-fire guarantees.

Web ad revenue is tricky at best and, even if it stabilizes, will only offer a meager return. Merchandise and print sales require more work from you to set them up, plus you need to make your strip super loveable to convince people to buy.

Cash For Cartoonists Program | The Comic Art and thinking of D.J. Coffman

Donations are also a shaky source of income. However, combine all of these together and you could make a decent living, provided your webcomic hits a large enough audience. Adaptability will take you far when trying different ways of making money online.

Via Shutterstock , Donate Can Via Shutterstock , DC Dollar Comics via Flickr. Your email address will not be published. Joel Lee has a BSc in Computer Science and over a decade of personal game development experience.

He is the technical copy editor for MakeUseOf and spends his free time reading and writing novels. Popular Topics The Internet Windows iPhone and iPad Android Mac Gaming.

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