How much can a professional gamer make

Posted: rw31 Date: 05.06.2017

There are several members of team Newbee, a "Dota 2" team that emerged in , in the top E-Sports Earnings has ranked the players with the highest overall earnings from competitive gaming. China's Zhang "Mu" Pang plays Valve's "Dota 2," which started out as a battle arena "Warcraft" mod called "Defense of the Ancients.

Zhaohui is another Chinese "Dota 2" player who used to play "DotA: He plays "Dota 2," and used to play "DotA: China's Chen used to be a "DotA: Allstars" player, but now plays "Dota 2" for Newbee.

According to his bio, he has been nicknamed "Gen.

how much can a professional gamer make

Hao" by the Chinese community and is known to be one of the most aggressive players on the scene. Hassan is a Pakistani "Dota 2" player and only started playing professionally this year at just Now 16, he has already won three tournaments.

How much money does the average professional gamer make a year? | Yahoo Answers

Ning captains Newbee, which won the " Dota 2" TI4 Grand Finals in Seattle last year. His team includes Zhang "Mu" Pang, Wang "SanSheng" Zhaohui, Jiao "Banana" Wang, and Chen "Hao" Zhihao.

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Ling is a Canadian "Dota 2" player. At 22, he's the second-youngest in e-Sports Earning's top Now another "Dota 2" player, American gamer Dager used to play "Heroes of Newerth," which was originally developed by S2 Games. Arora is an American "Dota 2" player who came first with Loomis and the Evil Geniuses this year in The International Why big data can make HR more important.

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how much can a professional gamer make

The 10 highest-paid professional gamers in the world. And they make a killing.

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Karyne Levy and Kyle Russell contributed to an earlier version of this story. The e-Sports world is cracking down on drugs.

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10 highest-paid gamers in the world - Business Insider

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how much can a professional gamer make
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