Forex trading system book

Posted: SLKWRM Date: 22.06.2017

As a professional forex trader, keeping up to date and learning about new strategies and ways to improve your trading is critical to your long-term success. This list of best forex books are my top recommendations for you to read and improve your forex knowledge. Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. In his book, he gives some background on the Japanese candlestick charts and how he found out about them from a Japanese broker.

Then, he quickly goes into describing all the different candlestick patterns, with well illustrated examples. The second part of the book goes into using candlesticks with other techniques such as eliott wave, trendlines, moving averages and more.

If you want to know more about price action, this book should be the first one to pick up. I highly recommend it. I could probably read this book again, just by writing this review!

forex trading system book

This book is one of the best reference works on technical analysis ever, hands down. It is clearly written and covers topics such as trends, trend continuation, support and resistance, reversal patterns, moving averages, candlesticks, most major indicators, pivot points and more.

There is not a better single book that describes everything like this one does. If you have a solid trading system but still find yourself losing out more than you win, this book might be for you. Trading in the Zone is a book about trading psychology , your self-worth and trading ethic, discipline, getting to know yourself and acknowledging that you might be the weak point in your trading system.

After all, one of the hardest things to get right is your trading emotions, and this book lays out a mental framework to conquer these aspects of the trading business. It might sound like soft psychoanalytical ramblings, but Mark Douglas knows what he is talking about and this book will help you become a better trader.

I especially like the practical nature of this book. It talks about important concepts such as profit taking, what to do if the market turns against you, etc.

For traders struggling to find a system they are profitable with, this is the definite book you should read! This is only the first of a three-book series, the other two dealing with ranges and reversals.

Our Favorite Forex Trading Books Listing -

Al Brooks covers loads of content, explaining the meaning of every single candle on the chart and the meaning of multiple candles as price action patterns. He then goes on to trends, using trend lines, channels and trend patterns to explain to the reader how to successfully trade the trend.

This is another must-read book that belongs on my best forex books list. It is chock full of timeless wisdoms that still apply today, even though the actual interviews might sound a bit dated with the advent of modern trading techniques.

Nevertheless, the advice by the traders still stands, as it deals with things like trading patience, discipline, following the big trends, risk and capital management and making consistent trades. Daniel Kahneman takes us on a tour of how we think, describing our thinking as divided in 2 systems, a fast and a slow thinking system.

Trading System — Forex Books

This book is sublime in explaining human behaviour and cognitive processes and biases, and in that way is very useful to keep in mind with relation to trading emotions and behaviour.

It describes why we do what we do, why we make emotional decisions that might not always be in our best interest and what we can do to make better choices. This is a book that not only will improve your trading, but will be useful in daily life as well. A highly fascinating read! I only recently picked up this book on a recommendation from a friend, who said it was one of his favourite books.

I can only agree. A great story from an even greater trader, very much recommended! This is my personal list of best forex books.

I found some were just a nice read, others were harder to digest but all of them have brought me to be the forex trader I am today, and I hope you fill find this list of best forex books equally useful! Which forex trading books have you enjoyed reading the most? Leave a note in the comments! This article contains affiliate links. If you click one of these links and then purchase something, I may receive a commission. This income goes towards the costs of hosting and running this website and does not affect you in any way at all.

Like what you read? Subscribe to my weekly newsletter to receive the latest tips and tricks on forex trading! I'm a full-time, independent forex trader. I've been trading for over 10 years and specialise in reversal trading, trading psychology, algorithmic trading and coaching others. When I'm not trading, I'll either be travelling the world or rock climbing likely both.

Read my story here. Some other excellent books: Is it possible to make sustainable profits trading forex? A free turtle traders forex expert advisor - Smart Forex Learning. Forex sites of Very good list Felix! HI Johan, good list you have there as well! Always interesting to see different resources to keep improving at trading!

The 5 best non-trading books for traders - Smart Forex Learning. I am so much excited to get the name of those books, soon I will read all of them, but I already read the Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques by Steve Nison and Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John J.

Now I must have to read those what remains. I love to read forex related books very much. The best trading movies and documentaries ever - Smart Forex Learning. Toggle navigation Smart Forex Learning.

Wendy Kirkland

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forex trading system book
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