How you allocate your money among stocks, bonds, and short-term reserves may be the most important factor in determining the long-term return and volatility of your portfolio. Select funds only after you've determined the right asset allocation for you.

Our Market View - Volatility Feb - Heritage Financial Solutions Ltd

The Investor Questionnaire makes asset allocation suggestions based on information you enter about your investment objectives and experience, time horizon, risk tolerance, and financial situation. As your financial circumstances or goals change, it may be helpful to complete the questionnaire again and to reallocate the investments in your portfolio.

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The Investor Questionnaire is designed to help you decide how to allocate your assets among different asset classes stocks, questionnaire on stock market volatility index 2016, and short-term reserves. You are under no obligation to accept the suggested allocations provided by this questionnaire.

The allocations provided are based on generally accepted investment principles. There is no guarantee, however, that any particular asset allocation or mix of funds will meet your investment objectives.

questionnaire on stock market volatility index 2016

All investments involve risks, and fluctuations in the financial markets and other factors may cause declines in the value of your account.

You should carefully consider all of your options before investing. The Investor Questionnaire is provided to you free of charge. It does not provide comprehensive investment or financial advice.

The worst may finally be over for stocks - Feb. 22,

Vanguard is not responsible for reviewing your financial situation or updating the suggestions contained herein. Your consent applies only to this particular request. If you request additional information, you may be required to consent to electronic delivery again.

Vanguard does not charge you a fee to use our website, but you could incur expenses from an Internet service provider when you access information online. Also, be aware that your Internet service provider may occasionally experience system failure and hyperlinks to documents may not function properly.

Vanguard Personal Advisor Services provides advice for your individual needs. Consent to electronic delivery and terms and conditions of use. Tip Vanguard Personal Advisor Services provides advice for your individual needs.

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