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Posted: Lioness Date: 25.06.2017

Getting Started Introduction A simple tutorial Language Reference Basic syntax Types Variables Constants Expressions Operators Control Structures Functions Classes and Objects Namespaces Errors Exceptions Generators References Explained Predefined Variables Predefined Exceptions Predefined Interfaces and Classes Context options and parameters Supported Protocols and Wrappers Security Introduction General considerations Installed as CGI binary Installed as an Apache module Session Security Filesystem Security Database Security Error Reporting Using Register Globals User Submitted Data Magic Quotes Hiding PHP Keeping Current Features HTTP authentication with PHP Cookies Sessions Dealing with XForms Handling file uploads Using remote files Connection handling Persistent Database Connections Safe Mode Command line usage Garbage Collection DTrace Dynamic Tracing Function Reference Affecting PHP's Behaviour Audio Formats Manipulation Authentication Services Command Line Specific Extensions Compression and Archive Extensions Credit Card Processing Cryptography Extensions Database Extensions Date and Time Related Extensions File System Related Extensions Human Language and Character Encoding Support Image Processing and Generation Mail Related Extensions Mathematical Extensions Non-Text MIME Output Process Control Extensions Other Basic Extensions Other Services Search Engine Extensions Server Specific Extensions Session Extensions Text Processing Variable and Type Related Extensions Web Services Windows Only Extensions XML Manipulation GUI Extensions Keyboard Shortcuts?

PHP 5 ChangeLog Version 5. Fixed bug FPE when parsing a tag format. Fixed bug Use after free when stream is passed to imagepng. Fixed bug DOS vulnerability in gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx. Fixed bug Crash while loading hostile phar archive. CVE Fixed bug Memory corruption when loading hostile phar. CVE Fixed bug Seg fault when loading hostile phar. Reverted fix for bug Unsetting result set may reset other result set.

Fixed bug Unserialize context shared on double class lookup. Fixed bug Add missing mysqlnd. Fixed bug Opcache segfault when using class constant to call a method. Fixed bug check cached files permissions OpenSSL: Fixed bug Segfault Regression for Fixed bug Unsetting result set may reset other result set.

Fixed bug HTTP stream wrapper should ignore HTTP Continue. Fixed bug Invalid read when wddx decodes empty boolean element.

Fixed bug crash in bzcompress function. Fixed bug Integer overflow in imageline with antialiasing. Fixed bug imagescale is not affected by, but affects imagesetinterpolation. Fixed bug Integer overflow in gdImageScaleBilinearPalette. Fixed bug Stack Buffer Overflow in GD dynamicGetbuf. Fixed bug imagefilltoborder stackoverflow on truecolor images. Fixed bug Use-after-free in ArrayObject Deserialization. Fixed bug SoapServer reports Bad Request when gzipped.

Fixed bug is fetched as string. Fixed bug use after free in userspace streams. Fixed bug NULL Pointer Dereference in WDDX Packet Deserialization with PDORow. Fixed bug crypt broken when salt is 'too' long. Fixed bug Use After Free in unserialize.

Fixed bug default option ignored when object passed to int filter. Fixed bug imagetruecolortopalette: Fixed bug imagettfbbox gives incorrect values for bounding box.

Fixed bug imagegd2 ignores 3rd param if 4 are given. Fixed bug imagegd2 writes wrong chunk sizes on boundaries. Fixed bug imagegd2: Fixed bug imagecreatefromgd2 may leak memory. Fixed bug add mitigation for ICU int overflow. Fixed bug mbstring. Fixed bug Session does not report invalid uid for files save handler.

Fixed bug NULL pointer dereference in SimpleXMLElement:: Fixed bug CachingIterator null dereference when convert to string. Fixed bug memory corruption in wordwrap function.

Fixed bug readfile mangles files larger than 2G. Fixed bug Depacking with wrong password leaves 0 length files. Fixed bug Cannot fetch multiple values with group in ini file.

Fixed bug imagecopy does not support 1bit transparency on truecolor images. Fixed bug imagecopy loses single-color transparency on palette images.

Fixed bug add locale length check. Fixed bug Heap overflow in mysqlnd related to BIT fields. Fixed bug call to empty on NULL result using PDO:: Implemented FR Postgres PDO lastInsertId should work without specifying a sequence. Fixed bug Missing type check when unserializing SplArray. Fixed bug strtr out-of-bound access. Fixed bug getimagesize returning FALSE on valid jpg. Fixed bug Negative ftruncate on php: Fixed bug integer overflow in fgets cause heap corruption.

Fixed bug integer overflow in fgetcsv caused heap corruption. Fixed bug Memory Corruption in During Deserialized-object Destruction. Fixed bug impossible to compile php with zip support. Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize.

Fixed bug microtime leaks memory. Fixed bug previous property undefined in Exception after deserialization. Implemented FR Support "nmake test" on building extensions by phpize. CVE Fixed bug PHP Session Data Injection Vulnerability. Fixed bug integer overflow in bzdecompress caused heap corruption. Fixed bug AddressSanitizer: Fixed bug Segmentation fault when using cURL with ZTS.

Fixed bug Certification information CERTINFO data parsing error. Fixed bug DOM document dangling reference. CVE Fixed bug Samsung picture thumb not read zero size. Fixed bug using --allow-to-run-as-root should ignore missing user. Fixed bug broken transparency of imagearc for truecolor in blendingmode. Fixed bug suspicious if-else statements.

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Fixed bug Server Error but page is fully rendered. Fixed bug imagetypes function won't advertise WEBP support.

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Fixed bug imagearc ignores thickness for full arcs. Fixed bug imagegammacorrect allows arbitrary write access. CVE Fixed bug imagecropauto out-of-bounds access Intl: Fixed bug PDO statement fails to throw exception. Fixed bug ReflectionClass:: Fixed bug CSV fields incorrectly split if escape char followed by UTF chars.

Fixed bug integer overflow in urlencode. Fixed bug initialize buffer before read. Fixed bug Problems with the ftps wrapper. Fixed bug opendir does not work with ftps: Fixed bug opendir with ftp: Fixed bug ftps: Fixed bug IteratorIterator breaks ' ' error suppression.

Fixed bug SplFileObject:: Fixed bug AppendIterator segfault with closed generator. Implemented FR SQLite should allow opening with empty filename. Fixed bug Cannot declare public method with signature incompatible with parent private method. Fixed bug Integer Overflow in Length of String-typed ZVAL. CVE Fixed bug Use After Free in unserialize with Unexpected Session Deserialization. Fixed bug Inadequate error handling in bzread.

Fixed bug DateTime:: Fixed bug Thick styled lines have scrambled patterns. Fixed bug XBM images require width to be multiple of 8. Fixed bug imagefilledpolygon doesn't draw horizontal line. Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in SNMP with GC and unserialize. Fixed bug GlobIterator throws LogicException.

Fixed bug Clearing bindings on an SQLite3 statement doesn't work. Fixed bug Stream socket with remote address leads to a segmentation fault. Fixed bug PHP segfaults when accessing nvarchar max defined columns.

Fixed bug Integer Overflow in nl2br. Fixed bug strtotime seems to use both sunday and monday as start of week. Fixed bug invalid dimensions can lead to crash.

Fixed bug Integer Overflow in gdImagePaletteToTrueColor resulting in heap overflow. Fixed bug selectordinal doesn't work with named parameters.

Fixed bug Heap Overflow due to integer overflows. CVE Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in PHP's GC algorithm and unserialize. Fixed bug ZipArchive class Use After Free Vulnerability in PHP's GC algorithm and unserialize. Fixed bug Stack overflow with imagefilltoborder. Fixed bug imagescale out-of-bounds read.

Fixed bug Add intl. Patch to is reverted. Fixed bug DateInterval:: Fixed bug Out of bounds heap read access in exif header processing. CVE, CVE, CVE GD: Fixed bug Corruption inside imageaffinematrixget. Fixed bug libgd: Fixed bug Fix ORA Fixed bug Quotes inside comments not properly handled. Fixed bug Cloned SplObjectStorage with overwritten getHash fails offsetExists. Fixed bug Unserialize accepts wrongly data. Fixed bug Segmentation fault on ZTS with date function setlocale.

Fixed bug DatePeriod:: Fixed bugExecuting prepared statements is succesfull only for the first two statements. Fixed bug PDO:: MSSQL forces format of datetime fields.

Fixed bug Crash in php7. Fixed bug Parsing of tar file with duplicate filenames causes memory leak. Fixed bug Built-in HTTP server, we can download file in web by bug. Fixed bug Datetime comparisons ignore microseconds. Fixed bug finfo throws notice for specific python file. Fixed bug FPM not working with Apache httpd 2.

Fixed bug Possible use-after-free of ZCG cwd in Zend Opcache. Fixed bug fix causes segmentation fault. Fixed bug NULL pointer dereference in Zip:: Added support for new HTTP code. Fixed bug exec functions ignore length but look for NULL termination. Fixed bug round segfault on bit builds. Fixed bug A wrong ext directory setup in php. Fixed bug Integer overflow in iptcembed.

Implemented FR Option to ignore the returned FTP PASV address. Improved fix for bug Fixed bug Unable to use PHP 7.

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Upgraded bundled PCRE library to 8. CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE Phar: Fixed bug Stack overflow when decompressing tar archives. Fixed bug Crash in SessionHandler:: Fixed bug crash with bad soap request.

Fixed bug Type Confusion in WDDX Packet Deserialization. Fixed bug Invalid opcode while using:: Fixed bug self:: Fixed bug SAPI build problem on AIX: Fixed bug Memory Read via gdImageRotateInterpolated Array Index Out of Bounds.

Fixed bug SoapClient systematic out of memory error. Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in WDDX Packet Deserialization. Fixed bug Session WDDX Packet Deserialization Type Confusion Vulnerability. Fixed bug php-fpm 5. Fixed bug OCI int overflow. Fixed bug Segmentation fault on nextRowset. Fixed bug Segmentation fault if wsdl has no targetNamespace attribute. Fixed bug Segfault getting NULL offset of an ArrayObject.

Fixed bug DateTimeImmutable segfault. Unknown type sent by the server. Fixed compatibility with Windows 10 see also Fixed bug Bundled libtool. Fixed bug Assigning to DOMNode:: Fixed bug ldap timeouts not enforced. Fixed bug mysqlnd doesn't activate TCP keep-alive when connecting to a server. Fixed bug openssl extension does not get the DH parameters from DH key resource.

Fixed bug Lookup for openssl. Fixed bug PDO constructor changes unrelated variables. Fixed bug setcookie conditional for empty values not met. Fixed bug HTTP stream wrapper doesn't close keep-alive connections.

Fixed bug ZipArchive:: Fixed bug Too long timeout on pipes. Fixed bug SAPI may truncate POST data. Fixed bug Checking liveness does not work as expected. CVE Fixed bug Use after free vulnerability in session deserializer. Fixed bug CLI server directory traversal. Fixed bug Use after free vulnerability in unserialize with GMP.

Fixed bug HAVAL gives wrong hashes in specific cases. Fixed bug mcrypt fd caching not working. Fixed bug Empty while and do-while segmentation fault with opcode on CLI enabled. Fixed bug Multiple vulnerabilities related to PCRE functions.

Fixed bug Incorrect constructor reflection for ArrayObject. Fixed bug Use-after-free vulnerability in unserialize with SplObjectStorage. CVE Fixed bug Use-after-free vulnerability in unserialize with SplDoublyLinkedList. Fixed bug getimagesize fails for very large and very small WBMP. Fixed bug NULL pointer dereference. Fixed bug Exception lost with nested finally block.

Fixed bug TS issues with temporary dir handling. Fixed bug Remotely triggerable stack exhaustion via recursive method calls. Fixed bug Different arrays compare indentical due to integer key truncation. Fixed bug responses return Content-Type header. Fixed bug imagerectangle problem with point ordering. CVE Fixed bug imagecreatefromwebm shifts colors. Fixed bug imagewebp doesn't pad to even length.

Fixed bug imagerotate by degrees truncates image by 1px. Fixed bug imagescale Fixed bug imagescale segfault with palette based image. Fixed bug Zero-height rectangle has whiskers. Fixed bug imagecrop add a black line when cropping. Fixed bug copy 'n paste error. Fixed bug PHP segfaults in imagexbm. Fixed bug Files extracted from archive may be placed outside of destination directory.

Fixed bug Dangling pointer in the unserialization of ArrayObject items. CVE Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize with SPLArrayObject. CVE Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize with SplObjectStorage. CVE Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize with SplDoublyLinkedList. Fixed bug Repeated iptcembed adds superfluous FF bytes. Fixed bug can induce segmentation fault with basic php code. Fixed bug Windows 10 reported as Windows 8.

Fixed bug finally in generator yield swallows exception in iteration. Fixed bug phpinfo does not report many Windows SKUs. Fixed bug imagegammacorrect function loses alpha channel. Fixed bug mysqlnd is vulnerable to BACKRONYM. Fixed bug PDOStatement:: Fixed bug PDO-pgsql fails to connect if password contains a leading single quote. Fixed bug PDO PgSQL Incorrect binding numeric array with gaps. Fixed bug Segfault in Phar:: Fixed bug Segfault when SplMinHeap:: Fixed bug SplFileObject setMaxLineLength.

Fixed bug Use-after-free vulnerability in sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk. Fixed bug temp. Fixed bug Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value in extension trait.

Fixed POST data processing slowdown due to small input buffer size on Windows. Fixed bug OS command injection vulnerability in escapeshellarg. CVE Fixed bug Incorrect handling of paths with NULs. Fixed bug GD fails to build with newer libvpx.

Fixed bug Unchecked return value. Fixed bug mail does not have mail header injection prevention for additional headers. Fixed bug Memory leak with opcache. Fixed bug phar symlink in binary directory broken. Upgrade bundled sqlite to 3. CVE, CVE, CVE Version 5.

Upgraded pcrelib to 8. CVE Fixed bug OS command injection vulnerability in escapeshellarg. Fixed bug Wrong checked for the interface by using Trait. Fixed bug "use statement [ Fixed bug segmentation fault in destructor. Fixed bug Returning compatible sub generator produces a warning. Fixed bug CVE fix regressions in 5. CVE Fixed bug heap buffer overflow in unpack.

Fixed bug Incorrect use of SQLColAttributes with ODBC 3. Fixed bug ODBC: Query with same field name from two tables returns incorrect result. Fixed bug out of memory with sage odbc driver. Fixed bug Reading empty SSL stream hangs until timeout.

Additional fix for bug Type confusion vulnerability in exception:: Fixed bug serialize function return corrupted data when sleep has tournament demo account binary option without deposit values. Fixed bug Segmentation fault when using a generator in combination with an Iterator.

Fixed bug Missing null byte checks for paths in various PHP extensions. Fixed bug potential remote code execution with apache 2. Implemented FR HTTP2 support. Fixed bug Enchant broker plugins are in the wrong place in windows builds.

Fixed bug NULL Pointer Dereference. Fixed bug False detection of CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E. Fixed bug Use After Free. Fixed bug Forex robot trader steinitz servers should send client CA list.

Fixed how to make money easily in nigeria PharData:: Fixed bug Phar:: Fixed bug Buffer Over-read in unserialize when parsing Phar. Fixed bug Null pointer dereference. Fixed bug Type Confusion Infoleak Vulnerability in unserialize with SoapFault. CVE Fixed bug NEW segfault when using SoapClient:: Fixed bug SQLITE segfaults if custom collator throws an exception.

Fixed bug Upgrade bundled libsqlite to 3. Fixed bug SQLite prepared statement use-after-free. Fixed bug User exceptions not properly handled in streams. Fixed bug Upgrade bundled sqlite to 3. Fixed bug use after free. CVE Fixed bug Buffer Over-read in unserialize when parsing Phar. Fixed bug Null pointer deference. Fixed bug leaks when unused inner class use traits precedence.

Fixed bug Exception with invalid character causes segv. Fixed bug Missing arguments in reflection info for some builtin functions. Fixed bug heap overflow vulnerability in regcomp.

Fixed bug request time is reset too early. Fixed bug Opcache causes problem when passing a variable variable to a function. Fixed bug Array numeric string as key. Fixed bug,encrypted streams don't observe socket timeouts. Fixed bug "Segmentation fault" when de serializing SplObjectStorage. Fixed bug RecursiveDirectoryIterator:: Fixed bug ZIP Online quiz contest to win cash prizes in india Overflow leads to writing past heap boundary.

Fixed bug Fail to push to the empty array with the constant value defined in class scope. Removed support for multi-line headers, as they are deprecated by RFC Fixed bug getClosure returns somethings that's not a closure. Fixed bug Use after free vulnerability in unserialize with DateTimeZone. CVE Fixed bug Mitigation for CVE — GHOST: Added NULL byte protection to exec, system and passthru. Fixed bug useless comparisons.

Fixed bug Double free with disabled ZMM. Fixed bug Bundled libmagic 5. Fixed bug core dump when webserver close the socket. Fixed bug linker error on some OS X machines with fixed width decimal support. Fixed bug Reading 4 byte floats with Mysqli and libmysqlclient has rounding errors. Fixed bug PDOMysql with mysqlnd does not allow the usage of named pipes.

Fixed bug no EINTR check on flock. Fixed bug Empty session IDs do still start sessions. Fixed bug SQLite3Result:: Fixed bug flock out parameter not set correctly in windows. Fixed bug Request may get env. Fixed bug which caused call after final close on streams filter. Fixed bug Mitigation for CVE — GHOST: CVE Added NULL byte protection to exec, system and passthru.

Fixed bug strtotime incorrectly interprets SGT time zone. Fixed bug SoapServer cannot handle large messages. Fixed bug unlink bug with some files path. Fixed bug Inside trait, forex profit matrix indicator Fixed bug pack for 64bits integer hospitals in the stock market what is beta broken on bigendian.

Fixed bug errors spawn MessageBox, which blocks test automation. Fixed bug Application Popup provides too few information. Fixed bug localeconv broken in TS builds. Fixed bug setting locale randomly broken. Fixed bug Crash in timeout thread. Fixed bug Constructor from trait conflicts with inherited constructor. Fixed bug Explicit Double Free. CVE Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in PHP's unserialize.

Fixed bug out of bounds read crashes php-cgi. Fixed bug Invalid Regulated binary best online stock traders for international trading requests make web server segfault.

Implemented FR DatePeriod: Getter for start date, end date and interval. Fixed bug Free called on uninitialized pointer. Fixed how to make money on virtual families 2 fast msooxml matches too many archives. Fixed bug invalid free in libmagic.

Fixed bug incorrect expression in libmagic. Fixed bug fileinfo out-of-bounds memory access.

Implemented FR Implement POSIX Access Control List for UDS. Fixed bug listen. CVE Implemented How to earn money faster on neobux Report gd library version.

Fixed bug --with-libmbfl configure option not present on Windows.

Fixed bug strlen incorrect: Fixed bug Memory leak when using "continue 2" inside two foreach loops. Fixed bug Alignment Bug in PCRE 8.

Fixed bug PDO getAttribute cannot be called with platform-specifi attribute names. Fixed bug Add new PDO mysql connection attr to control multi statements option.

Fixed bug Added escape parameter to SplFileObject:: Fixed bug Update bundled libsqlite to 3. Fixed bug convert. Fixed possible read after end of buffer and use after free. Fixed bug use case-insensitive cert name matching.

Fixed bug PDO getAttribute cannot be called with platform-specific attribute names. Fixed bug cannot cast SplFileInfo to boolean. Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in PHP's unserialize.

Fixed bug Some Zend headers lack appropriate extern "C" blocks. Fixed bug Segfault while pre-evaluating kinder louisiana livestock auction disabled function. Fixed bug "Inconsistent insteadof definition. Fixed bug Inconsistency in example php. Fixed bug NULL pointer dereference in unserialize.

Fixed bug Array constant not accepted for array parameter default. Fixed bug Use after free vulnerability in unserialize. Fixed bug access. Fixed bug PHP-FPM will no longer eur rate graph live all pools.

Fixed bug php-fpm man page is oudated. Implemented FR Change pm. Implemented FR php-fpm conf files loading order. Fixed bug build error with gmp 4. Fixed bug Session custom storage callable functions not being called. Fixed bug Segmentation fault on SoapClient:: Fixed bug Compiling PHP with large file support will replace function gzopen by gzopen Fixed bug Change pm.

Fixed bug php-fpm conf files loading order. Fixed bug Segmentation fault on statement deallocation. Implemented bit format codes for pack and unpack. Fixed bug A foreach on an array returned from a function not doing copy-on-write. Fixed bug Windows 8. Fixed bug DOMNodeList elements should be accessible through array notation. Fixed bug libmagic: Fixed bug fileinfo: Implemented FR listen and listen.

Fixed bug imagescale fails without height param. Fixed bug GMP memory management conflicts with other libraries using GMP. Fixed bug ODBC not correctly reading DATE column when preceded by a VARCHAR column. Fixed bug Allow to use system cipher list instead of hardcoded value. Fixed bug Duplicate entry in Reflection for class alias. Fixed bug Regression in RecursiveRegexIterator.

Fixed bug imagescale fails without height param GMP: Fixed bug ODBC not correctly reading DATE column when preceded by a VARCHAR column SPL: Fixed bug Regression in RecursiveRegexIterator Version 5. Fixed bug Integer overflow in unserialize bits only. Fixed bug NULL byte injection - cURL lib. Fixed bug Global buffer overflow in mkgmtime function. Fixed bug Cash flow statement template direct method last used array index copied to new array after unset.

Revert regression introduced by fix of bug Reverted fixes for bugdue to regressions. Fixed bug Crash on SIGTERM in apache process. Fixed bug Segfault when extending interface method with variadic. Fixed bug New Posthandler Potential Illegal efree vulnerability. Fixed bug finfo:: Made fontFetch's path parser thread-safe. Fixed bug Using GMP objects selling royal mail shares via equiniti overloaded operators can cause memory exhaustion.

Fixed bug mysqli does not handle 4-byte floats zend form select selected option. Fixed bug extension won't build if openssl compiled without SSLv3. Fixed bug SoapClient prepends 0-byte to cookie names. Fixed bug glob returns error, should be empty array. Fixed bug DOTNET is successful once per server run. Fixed bug memory leaks in DateTime constructor. Fixed bug Some timezones are no longer valid in PHP 5.

Fixed bug First uppercase letter breaks date string parsing. Fixed bug socket timeouts not honored in blocking SSL reads. Fixed bug CachingIterator:: Fixed bug chained zlib filters silently fail with large amounts of data.

Fixed bug internal corruption phar error. Added constant scalar expressions syntax. Added dedicated syntax for variadic functions. Added support for argument unpacking to complement the variadic syntax. Added unified default encoding. Added use function and use const. Added a function for timing attack safe string comparison. Added gost-crypto CryptoPro S-box hash algorithm. Stream wrappers verify peer certificates and host names by default in encrypted client streams.

Uploads equal or greater than 2GB in size are now accepted. Fixed bug incorrect push to the empty array. Removed inconsistency regarding behaviour of array in constants at run-time. Fixed bug eval with parse error causes segmentation fault in generator. Fixed bug strtr with empty array crashes. Fixed bug Incorrect behavior with nested "finally" blocks. Implemented FR ucwords and Title Case.

Fixed bug make install fails to install libphp5. Fixed bug Memory leak with immediately dereferenced array in class constant. Fixed bug phpinfo Type Confusion Information Leak Vulnerability. CVE Fixed bug php: Fixed bug php: Fixed bug iptcparse out-of-bounds read. Fixed bug printf out-of-bounds read. Implemented FR Differentiate between member function call on a null and non-null, non-objects. Fixed bug Autoloader isn't called if two method definitions don't match.

Fixed bug Closures do not correctly capture the late bound class static:: Fixed bug insecure temporary file use in the configure script. CVE Fixed bug dtrace breaks argument unpack. Fixed bug header 'Location: Fixed bug SIGSEGV when using count on an object implementing Countable. Fixed bug putenv with empty variable may lead to crash.

Implemented unified default encoding RFC: Improved empty string handling. Now ZE uses an interned string instead of allocation new empty string each time. Implemented internal operator overloading RFC: Implemented dedicated syntax for variadic functions RFC: Fixed bug Segfault with finally.

Fixed bug copy arginfo has changed starting from 5. Fixed bug exit in stream filter produces segfault. Fixed bug fpassthru broken. Fixed bug Unexpected array indexing in class's static property. Fixed bug Update reflection information for unserialize function.

Fixed bug Composer. Fixed bug getimagesize should recognize BMP files with negative height. Fixed bug Echoing unserialized "SplFileObject" crash. Fixed bug Remove reference to Windows Added some MIME types to the CLI web server. Fixed bug Empty header causes PHP built-in web server to hang.

Implemented FR CLI server is missing some new HTTP response codes. Fixed bug built-in web-server segfaults on startup. Remove cURL close policy related constants as these have no effect and are no longer used in libcurl.

Fixed bug Heap buffer over-read in DateInterval. CVE Fixed bug memory leaks in DateTime constructor Tjerk. Fixed bug Serialize of DateTime truncates fractions of second. Fixed regression in fix for constructor can't be called twice. Fixed bug DateTime constructor crash with invalid data. Fixed bug php5embed.

Fixed bug Segfault in cdf. CVE Fixed bug extensive backtracking in rule regular expression. CVE Fixed bug fileinfo: CDF infinite loop in nelements DoS. NULL pointer deference flaw by processing certain CDF files. CVE Upgraded to libmagic CVE Fixed bug out-of-bounds memory access in fileinfo. Fixed bug Solaris 10 is missing strcasestr and needs substitute. Fixed bug Fileinfo crashes with powerpoint files. Fixed bug php links to systemd libraries without using pkg-config. Fixed bug syslog cannot be set in pool configuration.

Fixed bug Fix Apache 2. Included apparmor support in fpm RFC: Fixed bug unknown entry 'priority' in php-fpm. Fixed bug Null byte injection possible with imagexxx functions. CVE Fixed bug imageaffinematrixget missing check of parameters. Fixed imagettftext to load the correct character map rather than the last one. Fixed bug Heap Overflow Vulnerability in imagecrop. CVE Fixed bug imagecrop: CVE Fixed bug Invalid 2nd argument crashes imageaffinematrixget.

Fixed bug imagescale - poor quality of scaled image. Fixed bug imagescale segfault. Fixed bug imagescale ignore method argument. Moved GMP to use object as the underlying structure and implemented various improvements based on this. Added gost-crypto CryptoPro S-box GOST hash algo. Fixed bug Missing FNV1a32 and FNV1a64 hash functions. Implemented timing attack safe string comparison function RFC: Fixed bug NumberFormatter:: Fixed bug Locale:: Fixed issue with null bytes in LDAP bindings.

Fixed bug Don't add newline after X-PHP-Originating-Script Tjerk Mcrypt: Upgraded to oniguruma 5. Fixed bug php-milter does not build and crashes randomly.

Disabled flag for SP OUT variables for 5. Added a new fetching mode to mysqlnd. Added support for gb from MySQL 5. Fixed missing type checks in OpenSSL options Yussuf Khalil, Stas. Fixed bug TLS connections fail behind HTTP proxy. Fixed broken build against OpenSSL older than 0. Fixed bug Subject altNames doesn't support wildcard matching.

Fixed bug certificates validity parsing does not work past Peer certificates now verified by default in client socket operations RFC: Added certificate fingerprint support. Peer name verification matches SAN DNS names for certs using the Subject Alternative Name x extension. Fallback to Windows CA cert store for peer verification if no openssl. Fixed bug "cafile" SSL context option now supports stream wrappers.

Encrypted stream wrappers now disable TLS compression by default. Crypto methods for encrypted client and server streams now use bitwise flags for fine-grained protocol support. Encrypted client streams now enable SNI by default. Encrypted streams now prioritize ephemeral key agreement and high strength ciphers by default. Encrypted stream servers now automatically mitigate potential DoS vector arising from client-initiated TLS renegotiation. Fixed memory leak in windows cert verification on verify failure.

Peer certificate capturing via SSL context options now functions even if peer verification fails. Fixed bug Default disgest algo is still MD5, switch to SHA1. Fixed bug Fix broken build when extension built separately. Added script level constant replacement optimization pass. Added information about interned strings usage.

Fixed bug php-cgi work with opcache, may be segmentation fault happen Dmitry, Laruence PCRE: Upgraded to PCRE 8. Fixed bug Error in code "form" instead of "from", pgsql.

Added 64bit large object support for PostgreSQL 9. Fixed bug Cannot build against libpq 7. Fixed bug Compilation fails for phpdbg when the build directory!

Fixed bug readline feature not enabled when build with libedit. Fixed issue 94 List behavior is inconsistent. Fixed issue 97 The prompt should always ensure it is on a newline. Fixed issue 98 break if does not seem to work. Fixed issue 99 register function has the same behavior as run.

Fixed bug which caused phpdbg to fail immediately on startup in non-debug builds. Included phpdbg sapi RFC: Added watchpoints watch command. Fixed bug PDO-ODBC changes for bit. Cleaned up code by increasing the requirements to libpq versions providing PQexecParams, PQprepare, PQescapeStringConn, PQescapeByteaConn.

According to the release notes that means 8.

PHP: PHP 5 ChangeLog

Fixed bug memory corruption in error handling Popa Phar: Fixed bug Redirection loop on nginx with FPM. Fixed bug Interactive mode doesn't force a newline before the prompt. Fixed bug Save command history when exiting interactive shell with control-c.

Implemented FR loosen the restrictions on ReflectionClass:: Fixed bug session. Updated the bundled libsqlite to the version 3. Implemented FR Add SoapClient:: Revert fix for BC issues. Fixed bug ArrayIterator use-after-free due to object change during sorting.

CVE Fixed bug SPL Iterators use-after-free. CVE Fixed bug Segfault in recursiveDirectoryIterator. Fixed bug Segmentation fault with ArrayObject unset.

Implemented FR Allow to unserialize empty data. Fixed bug empty does not work on classes that extend ArrayObject Tjerk Fixed bug RegexIterator:: Fixed bug http: Fixed bug XMLReader:: PHP doesn't use any ilibzip private symbol anymore.

Mike Fixed bug chained zlib filters silently fail with large amounts of data. Fixed bug extensive backtracking in rule regular expression. CVE Fixed bug Segfault in cdf. CVE Fixed bug Null byte injection possible with imagexxx functions. Fixed missing type checks in OpenSSL options. Fixed bug incorrect push to the empty array COM: CVE Fixed bug Null byte injection possible with imagexxx functions CVE Fixed bug ArrayIterator use-after-free due to object change during sorting CVE Fixed bug SPL Iterators use-after-free CVE Fixed bug Segfault in recursiveDirectoryIterator.

CVE Fixed bug putenv with empty variable may lead to crash. Fixed bug CLI server is missing some new HTTP response codes. Fixed bug syslog cannot be set in pool configuratio. Fixed bug php-cgi work with opcache, may be segmentation fault happen. CVE Fixed bug SPL Iterators use-after-free CVE CVE Fixed BC break introduced by patch for bug Fixed regression in fix for bug constructor can't be called twice.

Fixed bug mconvert incorrect handling of truncated pascal string size. Fixed bug Missing element after ArrayObject:: Fixed BC break introduced by patch for bug Fixed bug insecure temporary file use in the configure script CVE Fixed bug copy doesn't work when destination filename is created by tempnam.

Fixed bug CDF infinite loop in nelements DoS CVE Fixed bug imageaffinematrixget missing check of parameters. Fixed bug getimagesize should recognize BMP files with negative heighty. Fixed bug possible privilege escalation due to insecure default configuration. Fixed bug Updated bundled libsqlite to 3. Fix compilation on libcurl versions between 7. Fixed bug imageconvolution breakage. Fixed bug Invalid 2nd argument crashes imageaffinematrixget. Fixed bug A reproductible crash in UConverter when given invalid encoding.

Fixed bug Don't add newline after X-PHP-Originating-Script. Updated bundled libsqlite to 3. Added feature SplFileObject:: Fixed bug Don't add newline after X-PHP-Originating-Script MySQLi: Fixed bug Default disgest algo is still MD5, switch to SHA1 Version 5. Fixed bug Allow the DateTimeZone constructor to accept timezones per offset too.

Fixed bug file: Fixed bug out-of-bounds memory access in fileinfo CVE Fixed bug imagecrop: Fixed bug JsonSerializeable couldn't implement on module extension. Fixed bug JsonSerializeable couldn't implement on module extension Fileinfo: Fixed bug Heap Overflow Vulnerability in imagecropCVE Fixed bug Optimizer bug in constant string to boolean conversion. Fixed bug PHP crashes if opcache. Fixed bug PDO-pgsql cannot connect if password contains spaces. Fixed bug Session module is sending multiple set-cookie headers when session.

Fixed bug basename function doesn't remove drive letter. Fixed bug Incorrect object comparison with inheritance. Fixed bug PDO-psql cannot connect if password contains spaces.

Disallowed JMP into a finally block. Added validation of class names in the autoload process. Fixed bug list fails to unpack yielded ArrayAccess object. Fixed bug Heap buffer over-read in DateInterval, CVE Fixed bug DateTimeImmutable:: Fixed bug Passing DOMDocumentFragment to DOMDocument:: Fixed bug

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