Whether you use them for carving or cooking, pumpkins do not disappoint. Do not plant this tender vegetable until all danger of frost has passed and the soil is warmed, as the seedlings will be injured or rot.

Submitted by serenity on June 5, - 2: I've got about 15 plants; n a 3'x3' planter here in my So. California yardyard and they're all already a foot talltall each. What should I do about the area they each need for growth? I have room for the vines, to sprawl outout just don't know about them having room between each other? Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 6, - The spacing will depend on the type of pumpkin you are growing.

The 15 plants are all pumpkins, right? Ideally, follow the suggestions on the seed packet or transplant. In general, mini pumpkins may need about 1. For mini pumpkins, you might be able to keep 2 or 3 plants. Hoping someone can help me as I have scoured the internet and fpund very little information about my issue with my small sugar pumpkin plants.

Grew them last year and the vines got very long and were very healthy, but I never once saw a female flower on any of them, only the males, so obviously I didn't get any fruit either! Anything I can do this year to encourage growth of the female flowers? They were in ground in full sun, sharing the same patch as my cucumbers.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on May 19, - 2: Try adding a high-phosphorus fertilizer to increase bloom production. Submitted by DICKSON TENYWA Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 5, - Submitted by J on March 25, - 8: If you have a top three.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 3, - 9: Submitted by Bryan Dempsey on March 6, - Do you know if there is a book specifically on growing Pumpkins? About to start growing them. Submitted by Almanac Staff on March 9, - Submitted by Jacob on January 6, - 3: Submitted by Almanac Staff on January 10, - Wow, Jacob, there are so many ways to answer your question. Will your seeds survive? For one thing, it depends on where you are. Is it summer there? If there is any risk of frost, see here for when that might be: Even a big pot may not be enough for a pumpkin.

Plus, pots heat up and dry out faster than the ground soil does. So while that may seem advantageous, it means you need to be ready to water more often. With time and your careful attention, you might have a bumper crop of pumpkins! Submitted by Susan Picard on April 19, - 3: Jacob, I planted my very first pumpkin in a wooden pot a few years ago. It was one of those wooden crate looking pots from Lowe's. The soil where I live is horrible but I can't dig down deeply enough because of the granite running below my house.

I kept an eye on the pot it was a 2' in diameter pot, about 12" deep and made sure it was well-drained and watered when needed. The vine grew very well and very long. The only issue I had was not enough pollination. All of my pretty flowering plants were on the other side of my house.

I know better now! Submitted by Rochelle on December 30, - This is a delightful message to get on a gray day. THANK YOU for taking the time to get in touch. You can read about it here and buy it, if you chose: Submitted by Andrew Jackson on January 18, - 9: Hello, IAM so thankful to whoever put together this agriculture message.

IAM here in Uganda and want to grow these vines seriously. I have not been employed but I feel this project will do it for me.

Submitted by Shah Khan on December 12, - 8: Submitted by Christina on October 26, - 4: I live in the Pacific NW on the north Oregon coast and the rains are getting heavy.

Should I leave the pumpkins on the vines? Some of the vines are getting mushy and the fruit is still green. The rainy season has started and my vines are starting to deteriorate, but the fruit is still green.

Should I harvest now or let them stay on the vines till the vines are done for? A neighbor already took one to make soup and said it was fine. Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 27, - 3: If the vines are getting mushy, keep an eye on the pumpkins themselves, which may rot.

You might want to harvest the pumpkins soon, especially if the mushy stem area is close to the pumpkins. You can then try to ripen them off the vine. To do this, cut the pumpkin from the vine, leaving about 4 inches of healthy stem if possible.

Wash it, dry it thoroughly, and set it out on a sunny patio or similar dry spot in the sunshine take in at night. Or, if it is still rainy, you can choose a spot indoors that receives strong sunlight. Rotate the pumpkin during the day to expose all sides to the strongest sunlight. Submitted by Barbara Fowler on October 11, - I planted some pumpkin seeds from an organic pumpkin that I bought at a co-op.

The seeds were about 5 years old or older when I planted them. I planted the seeds in a big container. The pumpkins that appeared were about 1 inch in size and fell off the vine. What did I do wrong?

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Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 11, - 4: That is great that you got pumpkins from seeds 5 years or older; seed viability for pumpkins is said to be about 4 or 5 years. However, it appears that the pumpkin fruit aborting when small might be a pollination or growing condition issue. Sometimes developing fruit can abort if the plant is stressed or injured, especially high temperature high 80s or 90s F in day, 70s at night. Drought or flood can also cause this symptom, as well as insect or disease damage.

Check to make sure the soil pH is optimum. Submitted by Hardy Simmons II on October 10, - 7: Which means that wether will be unpredictable at best Submitted by Katelyn on October 1, - 7: I have 3 pumpkins that are still partially green and on the vines. Since the days have gotten shorter the garden isn't getting as much sun. I was wondering to get them to turn orange would it be better to leave them on the vines, which are still green and living, or to pick them and leave them on my back deck which gets more sun and warmth?

Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 3, - 3: If your pumpkins are still on the vine, leave them there. Cut away any leaves tha might block sunlight. If a frost threatens, cover the fruit and the vine. Keep the fruit and vine covered, if cold is predicted to continue.

If you feel that the season is truly finished and this time will vary from place to placeharvest the pumpkin from the garden.

Wash off the dirt. If cold threatens, be sure to bring the pumpkin indoors. If you prefer, bring the pumpkin inside, and place in similar conditions. Make sure the pumpkin has good air circulation. Rotate the pumpkin every day or so. Submitted by Jill on September 28, - 5: I don't have any pumpkins on my plants…just flowers. When should you see the actual pumpkins begin to grow? Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 29, - 2: Hi, Jill, You do not indicate where you are located but, almost no matter: DO NOT GIVE UP!

Your flowers aren't being pollinated. I found this out, myself, with my first pumpkin plant. I had a vine full of beautiful flowers but only had 3 pumpkins grow. I read up and asked nurseries and found out the flowers on the other side of my house were attracting the bees and birds there, keeping them away from helping to pollinate the flowers.

The flowers are male and female and the pollen needs to spread between them. You can do this with a q-tip or using the male stem. Look on You Tube for this video: He shows you how to do it. Submitted by Paddy Musoke on September 15, - 6: I need large number of pumpkins. In a few days from now am going to plant a pumpkins.

Which is going to be on three hectares. I was looking for help. Am in Africa Ugandawe have enough Bees, sun and rain.

I am new in the game. I don' t like big pumpkin. Which is the best variety for my garden? I Like The Forum. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. Submitted by Joanna on September 13, - 6: I have a few questions.

Something walked through my pumpkin patch and step on a quite a few stems, but no main vines are damaged, will my plants and pumpkins die?

Also I have quite a few plants that are yellow and some leaves dead but still have pumpkins on them, will they mature or will they die? It is supposed to get down to 36 degrees farenheit tonight, will my pumpkins die? Some pumpkins are turning Orange but some are still green. I'm getting really worried. Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 15, - If the stems are not crushed, torn, or separated from the pumpkins they should be ok.

The leaves turn yellow for several reasons, including age they are nearing maturitynutrient deficiency nitrogen, in particular; were they fed satisfactorily this seasonwater stress, infestation it happensor disease. We can not know for certain if the pumpkins will mature; only Mother Nature knows. With temps near freezing, it would be wise to protect the plants with cover—layers of newspaper, frost blankets, whatever will keep the cold and possible dampness off.

Sorry we onl got to this on Sept 14; hope your plants are ok. As you probably know, pumpkins thrive in warm conditions and they have a relatively long maturity period. So take heart in the fact that you brought them along this far. A lot of people would be envious we are! Submitted by Chrystal on September 9, - 9: Can you take the pumpkin off the vine when the pumpkin is still green?

Will it ripen on its own off the vine? Submitted by Pam on September 6, - 2: What's causing this to happen? Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 7, - Be very careful with the stems when you harvest gourds or pumpkinsas they can damage easily. A strong connection is important, so as to avoid tears and splits that can invite disease and pests. If your gourds are showing splitting and leaking, it could be due to a few things, including the onset of rot.

In some cases, small splits may heal during curing. Submitted by mohammad thamjid on September 3, - I want total fertilizer schedule for different growth stages of pumpkin crop. Submitted by Barbara on August 29, - 1: A couple questions about pumpkins: I found a "volunteer" pumpkin plant in my front yard sometime in early July. I decided to let it grow, and it's now HUGE.

It has about a dozen little pumpkins growing on it, and I suspect that they are minis, because they are turning yellow and orange, even though none are bigger than about 4 inches across. Do mini pumpkin plants have big leaves like the regular pumpkins? I wasn't expecting minis when I saw the plant. Also, should I pick them when they are orange, or can I leave them for awhile?

I don't want to let them rot, but it's only late August. Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 30, - 9: Congrats on your giant pumpkin! What usually happens is that a pumpkin plant has multiple vines and you may have as many as 7 or 8 pumpkins growing.

Normally, if people want a giant pumpkin, they choose the best pumpkin and remove most of the rest so the plant puts all its energy into the one pumpkin. You can still do this if you wish. Maybe cull it down to 2 or 3.

Submitted by Babaiwa on August 28, - 3: Submitted by Diana on August 23, - 9: We have some BIG pumpkins growing and I just noticed that a few are splitting at the base We have had very warm temperatures but the garden is well watered. Thank you for your time and assistance!! Have a wonderful evening! Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 25, - Giant pumpkins may split during the period of rapid growth, usually around July and August.

Depending on the position of the fruit in relation to the stem and vine, it can cause splitting. Time your fertilizer and watering at a consistent, moderate pace throughout the growing season.

It also helps to avoid splitting by protecting the growing fruit with shade cloth but not the plant, which needs the full sun ; shading helps to keep the skin of the fruit more flexible. Carefully support the vine as it meets the stem; some gardeners detach the secondary roots along the vine for about the length of 3 leaves, so that the vine can lift as the pumpkin grows in height. If small splits start, reduce watering and fertilizing, and apply a fungicide.

Submitted by Rhonda Maynard on August 18, - 9: Is it normal for pumpkins to be orange already? I'm concerned that they turned orange too soon, or is this normal? Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 18, - It is not all that unusual for pumpkins to start ripening in late August or early September.

Weather can be an influence. Submitted by Ruth Ross on August 12, - My pumpkins are orange and its only august, do I leave on the vines till october or do they have to be picked now? Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 12, - 2: It is sometimes difficult to time the planting pumpkins so that they mature right around October; it can be a juggling act of variety which can affect days to maturityenvironmental conditions, and other factors. See above article for signs of when to harvest pumpkins such as even coloring, skin has lost its initial shine, tendrils nearest the fruit are withered.

If it appears that your pumpkins are fully ripe, it might be best to harvest them now, as keeping them in the pumpkin patch may encourage disease, insects, and animals. Follow the storage guidelines in the above article.

Before curing, it may help discourage bacteria if you wash the pumpkin with a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water, and remove dirt etc. Once cured, store in a cool, dry, dark place, with good air circulation. Temperature should be about 50 to 55F, and relative humidity about 50 to 75 percent.

Do no store with apples. Submitted by Craig on August 11, - When will I start to see pumpkins? My grandson planted them in the middle of June. We have blossums on some plants, but not seeing anything. Submitted by Shannon on August 7, - 4: I have two pumpkin plants that are having trouble. The both grew long vines maybe 20 feet and seemed healthy at the beginning of the summer. Sometime last month though, the parts of the plants closest to the root started wilting and turning yellow.

Now those leaves are dying. Further out on the vines the plants seem healthy enough. My baby pumpkins are not maturing either. They get to be about an inch in diameter and then turn yellow and die before the flower blooms. I have had three survive to see the flower bloom, and those are growing just fine.

I have seen a couple spotted cucumber beetles, but there doesn't seem to be any damage to my leaves. Any idea what's wrong or how I could help them along? Submitted by Jason on August 8, - I am having the same problem with 1 inch few day old pumpkins starting out yellow and dying. They start as normal from a seemingly healthy plant but the stem turns yellow as does the pumpkin which then shrivels up and dies. Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 10, - 5: Sometimes pumpkins can abort when just forming due to poor pollination.

They may also be affected by too much moisture over a long time causing wilting and fruit to droptoo little water droughtor by high temperatures above 70F at night or 90F in day. If temperatures in your area are in the 90s, shade the pumpkin fruit during the day, for several days after a flower is pollinated. Make sure the plants have plenty of nutrients to support fruit development but not too much nitrogen, which may deter fruitingas well as sunlight.

Submitted by Hilary Stephen on August 4, - 3: I've never been into gardening. I decided to try pumpkins this year. I got very confused on the hills concept. I didn't spread my seeds out. They are pretty close to each other on each hill. I was able to transplant some of them What will happen if I let them grow as is?

I have plants growing in the same spot. Also, I planted these in my front garden, side of the house, and along one side of the fence each hill is foor apart. Also, I have kept them watered. I did not water them yesterday, and all of the plants that were exposed to the sun looked wilted.

I watered really well Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 5, - 2: It would be best to thin them to 2 to 3 plants per hill. Select the most vigorous looking to keep, once they get a few inches tall. Thinning down to just a few plants reduces competition for water and nutrients pumpkins are thirsty and hungry plantsgives each plant more room to grow they love to sprawl!

It sounds like you have a great pumpkin patch coming along! Submitted by Evelyn Nalls on August 3, - 4: I started noticing powered mildew, so I have been treating it best I can, but the other day I came out and half the pumpkin patch had died, like over night. The Vines had turned yellow and brown and we're dying, all the flowers have died off along with half the leaves. Can can I do, to save the plants, also I was recommended to cut off the dead Vines, and all the dead leaves but at a loss here.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 4, - 9: If you are sure that your plant has powdery mildew, cut the diseased vines and leaves to try to avoid its spread. Be sure to clean your pruners with a diluted bleach solution about 1 part bleach to 9 parts water before each cut, so as not to spread the disease. Toss the affected vines in the trash — do not compost or bury in the soil, as the disease will linger. Powdery mildew can spread through the air; it thrives in warm temperatures and humid conditions such as from dew or rainespecially if there is poor air circulation.

Avoid overhead watering — water at the base of the plant instead so as not to wet the leaves, and water in the morning, so that the sun can dry surfaces before nightfall.

If you have pumpkins on the vine that are close to mature size, leave them on the apparently healthy vine as long as possible, without encouraging rot, to help them to ripen as much as they can.

When powdery mildew infects a vine, sometimes the yield, taste, and quality of the pumpkins will be affected such as reduced size, and sunburnespecially if they can not reach full maturity. If you must harvest a developing pumpkin, such as from a diseased vine, then you can try to ripen it by washing it, drying thoroughly, and setting it out on a sunny patio or similar dry spot in the sunshine take in at night.

Or, you can choose a spot indoors that receives strong sunlight. Submitted by Duane Nohavec on July 19, - 4: I have 2 pumpkin plants when pumpkins have been getting between 5 to 20 lbs they quite growing now have one that got to about 80 lbs and it stopped.

Plants look healthy and have been fertilizing. Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 21, - 5: Submitted by jason on July 19, - 1: A neighbour gave my son and I some sort of giant pumpkin variety in early to mid june.

I transferred it from a small pot it came from a nursary in, into the largest pot I could find - about 2. A week and a half ago Our pumpkin looked like it had been thru a bailer baler? I decided to wait and see if it would recover. Now, it has one new leaf, and a few of both sexes of flower. My question is if I should be pruning off the dead, dying, and or damaged leaves, vines, or flowers? I'm not expecting a prize pumpkin any more, but it would be nice to have one to carve this year.

I live near edmonton, alberta. I've had the pot on a cement pad where a garage used to be in my back yard. Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 19, - Submitted by Jazmin on July 8, - 2: I have a question about the cure.

You mentioned that it is necessary to leave the pumpkins to receive sun. Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 12, - Submitted by Sandra on June 21, - 2: Do pumpkins continue to grow after they change to orange? I live in central CA and it stays pretty warm well into the fall season. Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 21, - 3: If green, they will not fully turn color off the vine. In fact, many people harvest early to avoid pests and rot. Submitted by sandra on June 21, - 6: No, it has already turned orange and it is much smaller than i believe it should be.

Will it continue to get larger even after it has completed its color change was my question Submitted by Catherine Boeckmann on June 23, - Submitted by Julie Chandler on July 13, - Field pumpkins continue to turn orange off the vine.

One tip as a certified giant pumpkin grower, you should provide a shelter above the fruit to shield it from UVB rays which leads to sun scald.

Temps hovering around the 90's are hard on any pumpkin plant. Also, provide even watering either along the vines by hand or drip method and avoid the stump area.

You can also set up an irrigation drip system attached to your water source at your home. In the beginning, many gardeners believe synthetic fertilizers are best, but try to adopt an organic way using either products from Hollands or Advanced Nutrients.

If interested, you can look at my grower diary biddygoat. Thanks to The Old Farmer's Almanac, I only grow according to their suggested moon favorable dates. My veggies and flowers are county fair winners!! I wish everyone the best growing season! Submitted by Meru Yama on June 20, - 8: I'm looking for Pumpkins at the end of August and many places in California don't have them until mid-September or October.

I've called over 12 farms and pumpkin patches and grocery stores in addition and they all mentioned the same thing. Where can I find pumpkins in August. Are they easier to grow in northern states where temperature is cooler? Any recommendations as to where to purchase them would be very helpful.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 21, - 2: Pumpkins do not like cold weather, and it takes between about 90 to days to grow them. So, you want to avoid planting too early, unless you start them indoors, and also avoid planting too late, where they can be nipped by fall frost.

Since they require a long season, having them available in August would mean planting minis around mid-May or others around mid-April, which would usually suggest starting them indoors. It is possible, but likely farmers time it so that their crop will ripen around autumn for fall decorations and for Halloween festivities.

If you grew your own, you could certainly time it for August, but it may be hard to find them available commercially in that month. Look south, in warmer areas with longer growing seasons — perhaps try smaller farms that might specialize. Submitted by Jane on June 19, - 3: As you put it, a pitcher's mound is a better example.

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I cannot convince anyone in the family that it is not logical to plant anything on a raised "hill" because all the water drains off.

You can see it draining off immediately. Submitted by MaryAliece on June 19, - 1: Last winter, we threw an old pumpkin away in a raised garden area we weren't using. We had recently moved in and hadn't gotten that far! We now have so many vines with pumpkins forming I don't know what to do! They will obviously grow too soon, or IS THERE A TOO SOON?

Submitted by UMAR FAROUQ on June 16, - 1: Submitted by pollie adams on April 19, - 8: Submitted by Nikki on April 6, - 9: Hi, I just want to know if pumpkins can handle light frosts when grown but not exactly ready to pick. I am in Australia in the mountain and we are now in Autumn and frost nearly there can those few pumpkin I have can go through a few frost without been damaged?

Submitted by Jake on May 26, - 7: No, it will kill the plant. Definitely want to cover them if you are expecting frost. Early frost last year killed my pumpkins. You could still harvest even if immature if frost gets them, but they won't turn orange and continue to grow after a frost. Submitted by Robert Haltner on April 3, - 3: I recently acquired my father's dairy farm along with my two siblings. My question is what can I do with it? About 80 acres of good tillable land.

I do not believe I would want to do dairy. It is too harsh of a climate and very labor intense. I'm looking to supplement my current income and it has a house on the property. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 6, - 3: From what we understand there are lots of young, aspiring people—men and women—who would like to farm.

This is not really our area of expertise, but we do know that the core mention above is true: Submitted by Paul Real estate stock market boom 1920s on March 27, - Submitted by louise on March 3, - 4: I buried my pumpkins in the ground and now do home stagers make good money two good, strong plants.

It is is March 2 but not cold at all. My question is will the pumpkins take too many nutrients from the soil and bother the plants around them?

I have freesia, hydrangea, and gardenia. They are watered once a week, twice a week in summer. Submitted by Almanac Staff on March 4, how to make easy money in harvest moon a wonderful life There are considerations beyond nutrients; pumpkins tend to send out extensive vines and these might almost literally walk over other plants. For that reason, too, pumpkins usually need a good amount of space.

After reading these pages consider that if your pumpkins are seedling size, you might be able to transplant them—to give them the proper soil requirements, space, and water. Or, leave the inscription make money where they are and see what happens. Submitted by Roland Gopel on February 24, - 9: Submitted by Almanac Staff on February 25, - Roland, Thank you for your kind words. For better or worse, we are only experts in North American gardening.

Submitted by Valeria on January 25, - 3: So, I planted some seeds that had already germinated inside my jack o'lantern October The only thing I had available was an 8" container I have a balcony, no yard.

I thought it would be fun to see if they grew. They've already produced buds and one has blossomed. From what I've read, they look like males. Is it safe to transplant them into a larger container? Here are other factors: Your advice on transplanting them and anything else like covering at night the dance forex trading manual fruit production will be so appreciated!

Submitted by Almanac Staff on January 26, - 2: Yes, you can transplant the pumpkins to a bigger pot. Make sure to add some compost or aged manure to the fresh potting soil. Keep the soil moist and be on the lookout for the female flowers. If you have bees and other pollinators coming to the flowers you should be all set. Submitted by Ssenkezi Gerald on January 17, - 4: Am inspired by your info.

In uganda we have a green-white spotted pumpkin. If u know a monitor lizard color! They are in different shapes from oval to round. But round-hard shell is preffered. Now i want to produce them commercially but a bit worried about the market. I may produce likepieces. Am a retired civil servant. I also enjoy pumpkins a lot. Submitted by KissimmeeDisney on December 17, - 6: I accidentally planted a pumpkin back at Halloween.

I now have vines and flowers central FL I am moving in April and I cannot imagine leaving my plant babies behind. Can I trim the plant down ,replant and keep it alive? If so,what is the minimum amount of pruning I can do to a pumpkin? Thanks and Merry Christmas all! Submitted by Almanac Staff on December 17, - 4: Pumpkins take about 3 to 4 months to mature 5 months for giant pumpkinsdepending on the type, so yours is probably almost halfway through its cycle and, if all conditions were good, it would mature around end of February.

In central Florida, though, it looks like your first frost is around late December into January. Pumpkins can withstand some frost, but not repeatedly. For light frosts, you can cover the plant with sheets or blankets overnight. It is especially hard on them at later stages, when they are flowering etc.

Or, you can try to dig it up—including as many roots as you can and as much soil as you can, limiting the amount of pruning which can stress itand transplanting it to a container inside over winter. Submitted by Haleigh on December 16, - 8: Submitted by OLADEINDE ADEYI Submitted by mike s. This is my first year doing pumpkins and I can't really complain. My only real question is do I pull the vines at the end of the year? I'm asking because I've gotten mixed answers previously.

And I didn't see anything about that in the article that I read on this page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 28, - 8: Thanks for the great question and special thanks for setting a good example by reading the page first. We pull them up, as they serve no real purpose. Of course, if they decomposed quickly, that would be another organic matter.

But you can pull them up and put them whole into your brush pile, or chop them up and put them into your compost pile. Submitted by Dawn S on October 23, - 1: I have amazing binary options strategy or forex pumpkin that I plant from store buy pumpkin last year. I have one pumpkin and it is still vary green and it get cold here will it ripen or not?

Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 27, - 8: Leave the pumpkins on the vine as long as possible. Remove any large leaves that shade the pumpkins. Once there is a killing frost, however, the pumpkin will not ripen on the vine any further. Place them in a sunny spot on a patio or deck or bring them indoors.

If you store them indoors put them in a bright room with big windows. Submitted by karra morris on October 10, - Ive been growing my white pumpkin plant for about a month and half.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 13, - 1: Karra, you do not say where you are, but best penny stocks to buy august 2016 many parts of the country, pumpkin season is finished.

Pumpkins typically have a long maturity period spanning the heart of the summer season—including and especially the days with the longest periods of sunlight. Your plant may be growing but it is probably not getting enough gas prices correlation to stock market, even if it gets sunlight all day.

Submitted by Jan Marsh on October 2, - I just went out to harvest my pumpkins, the largest has a hole in the bottom. Would it be safe to bring it in real quick and cook it? Submitted by Cara Tilton on September 20, - 5: I live in new Hampshire, and my pumpkins did not really take working of bombay stock exchange pdf until later summer. I do have quite a few large green pumpkins, but I am unsure if I should pick them now and try to orange them up on my deck, or let them keep going until threat of frost.

The vines are mostly still healthy. Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 21, - 4: Submitted by Artis Noel on September 10, - 4: I live in Filer, ID and i just moved into a house that had a pumpkin amazing binary options strategy or forex in the front, i get sun in the area only during the evening hours from 2 till sundown i have 6 pumpkins this year but only 1 is big the others are small how can i tell the difference between male and female blooms?

Submitted by Sleep Weasel on September 10, - stock options capital gains tax Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 13, - 8: Female blossoms have a swollen area at the base that will turn into a pumpkin if pollinated. Cutting back your vines may have inspired a second set of fruit which could explain why some are smaller and late to ripen or weed competition could have hindered their growth.

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Since the average first frost date for the Twin Falls area is Octyou cmc markets stockbroking forms plenty of time for your pumpkins to color up some more.

They can change from yellow to orange quite quickly at the end of the season. Be patient and pick them if frost threatens, otherwise leave them until the vines die back. Next year consider moving your pumkin patch to a sunnier location. Submitted by Nan Jurgens on September 4, - 9: I live in Iowa and my pumpkins are ORANGE already. Should I pick them off the vines? Also will they last until Halloween? The vines are dying. This just seems way to early.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 6, - 9: If the vines are dying it is time to pick your pumpkins. Handle them gently and follow the directions in this article about curing and storing and they should last well past Halloween.

Submitted by Spyker11 on September 1, - 8: Hello, This is my first year growing pumpkins and have lost 2 pumpkins so far out of 4.

The first one was about the size of a soft ball and slowly turned yellow and broke off. The second one was almost the size of a basketball and did the same thing. It slowly turned yellow and fell off and now all mushy.

I have to other pumpkins that are dark green right now and almost the size of a basketball and I don't want to lose the same way I lost the others. What is the reason for them to turn yellow and break off? Is there a way to stop that? Also the pumpkins patch is directly on soil. For next year can I lay down mulch and grow my patch on a mulch bed? Submitted by Baba on September 4, - 6: Yellowing followed by death of the fruit MAY be caused by insect attack. If this is the case, then know that the cause may be attack by fruit fly.

Submitted by alliebroome22 on August 27, - Submitted by Stephanie a may on August 27, - Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 28, - 4: Submitted by Michelke on August 25, - 9: The grasshoppers are not only eating the plant chris capre forex factory but also my pumpkins I don't use any chemicals is there anything I can do with home products Or do I take them off the vines in late aug and hope they are still goodin October?

Very sad a d disappointed as I was growing them for my grandchildren. Submitted by Typing work at home offline Marsh on August 27, - 9: I disconnected a vine from the forex killer software review and discovered a green pumpkin.

Will it get orange without being connected or should I toss it? Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 27, - A green pumpkin that is off the vine can sometimes be encouraged to ripen. If you can, keep several option strategy short butterfly straddle of stem on the pumpkin.

Clean the pumpkin and then place it in a warm, dry, sunny area with good ventilation, such as a patio bring it in at night or windowsill. Keep rotating the pumpkin every day so that all sides receive sunlight. Check for signs of rotting. In a few weeks, the pumpkin may turn orange.

If not, it still can make a nice jack-o-lantern. You might try handpicking, and then placing fine-mesh metal screening over your plants such as window screening. Grasshoppers may eat through cloth, plastic screening, and row covers, so be sure to use metal. Sometimes it also helps to grow a trap crop of tall grass around the border of your garden--some grasshoppers may prefer that to your pumpkins. Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 24, - 9: Don't do anything -- wait until fall, and when your pumpkins turn a deep, rich orange, cut how to get more money in oregon trail american settler from the vine.

Submitted by Melissa hess on August 21, - This is my first growing pumpkins and they are growing out of control and I am not sure what to do I have pumpkins on some of the vines. Submitted by Ema on August 11, - This is my first year growing pumpkins and I have a lot of male flowers that have bloomed but the female flowers keep falling off before they open so they can't get pollinated.

What is the problem and what should I do? Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 12, - Many factors could be at work here. Cut open a flower and look for black streaks. They are a sign of something called mput command in ftp unix death which means no pumpkins. Soil moisture needs to be consistent - not too wet or too dry so mulch is important. A pH imbalance can throw things off so test the soil.

An assault from insects can cause blossoms to fall off prematurely also. Submitted by Michael Dosie on Strategies forex data releases 8, - 3: Our first flowers were all girls, at the beginning of July, then two weeks later the boys came and since the first appearance of the girls, no more girls period.

Here it is August 8th and STILL no more girls. What could have happened? We grew 15 plants. Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 10, - 2: Stress including heat waves may affect plant flowering and fruit set. Too much nitrogen can delay flowering.

You might try adding a high-phosphorus fertilizer to increase bloom production. Some experts say that if plants are spaced too closely together, the competition between plants can reduce the number of female flowers. If this sounds like a possibility, try spacing your plants out a little further next growing season.

Submitted by Gallo Loewen on July 31, - Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 2, - 8: Since your pumpkin gets all its nutrients through that stem, it could mean this is as large as it is going to get. Growers of giant pumpkins are very careful to support their pumpkins as they grow to reduce the amount of stress on the stem.

That said, even pumpkins with split stems can still continue to grow if the stem is still attached to the fruit. I'd adopt a wait and see approach.

If after another week it hasn't grown any larger then you'll know it has reached its peak size. Submitted by Ginny Gibbs on July 25, - 8: I live in Georgia, first time planting pumpkins. It is late July intel employee stock options my pumpkins are orange and the vines about dead.

One already is off its vine. Will they keep how to make easy money in harvest moon a wonderful life October? If I need to keep them cool my best bet is in my House where it's about Also we are thinking about planting more stock trading abu dhabi they say they can be planted in July.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 29, - 9: You might be able to plant more pumpkins--it will depend on your area, your first expected fall frost, and the type of pumpkin you plant days to maturity. You'll want to harvest before a hard frost--a light frost might damage the vines, but not the pumpkin.

For a few frost dates in Georgia, see: Or, contact your county's Cooperative Extension: Choose a variety verve stock market has a short growing season. As for storing your pumpkin -- it might just make it to Halloween, depending on the variety and how well it has been exchange rate forecast canadian dollar to euro. Leave plenty of stem on the pumpkin 3 to 4 inchesif you can, and avoid any damage bruises or cuts to the rind.

Make sure there is plenty of air circulation. Pumpkins may store for 2 to 3 months. Submitted by Jimmy dunster on August 1, - 3: Ginny I also am a first time grower am on the east coast of Ireland and this summer has been pretty cool I wish I was at the stage you are at but I have just got my first flower it is going to be a challenge wish me luck as I do for yours.

Submitted by Jacq on July 22, - 1: This was a great thread to read for a new pumpkin gardener. The question and answer format was so helpful. Submitted by Stephen Bastide. Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 21, - Here's a second reference guide on minimum soil temperatures for pumpkin seed germination: Submitted by DeborahB work from home mansfield texas July 17, - 6: My grandson and I planted pumpkin seeds from out last year's pumpkin.

It has grown really big with lots of flowers, but the flowers fall off and there is no evidence of fruit. What do I need to do to ensure he won't be disappointed by no pumpkins. Submitted by Shannyn on July 23, - You may need to read up on pollinating them by hand especially if you don't have a lot binary options australia forum bees around.

Also make sure you're not over or under watering! Submitted by Pat Reilander on July 15, - I have been trying to grow pumpkins for several years and only ever get male flowers.

Lots and lots of male flowers. How do I get female flowers? Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 15, - 5: Almost all squash varieties have male flowers bloom before female, so it may be a matter of time. Try adding a high-phosphorus ferilizer to increase bloom production. Some pros say that is plants are too close the competition between plants can reduce the number of female flowers; sound like you?

Powdery mildew can be a sign of overcrowding and poor circulation. Submitted by Bob Rundle on July 11, - 9: To be safe, I planted four seeds in each hole in my pumpkin patch. Just my luck all four sprouted and are growing fine. If I don't thin out the plants, will they still produce pumpkins? I have 10 planting spots and would hate to kill 30 young plants. Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 13, - 4: Hi, Bob, It depends on what your plants' growth habit it. If the plants are vining type, thin to the best 2 or 3 plants.

If the plant is semi-bush varieties, thin to 2 plants per hill. If the plant is a bush variety, thin to a single plant. If the plant is a miniature variety, thin to the single best plant. Lowest spread in the forex market thin, snip or cut off the stem at ground level, with scissors or a blade or the like.

You can certainly try to transplant how do you get money from bandcamp few of the seedlings, instead of thinning them. Wells on July 8, - 5: I Need to know if it is normal for pumpkins to start out colored like a Water-mellon. This is my first garden ever.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 9, - Most pumpkins are green when they start developing and growing. They turn orange when they are fully grown. Submitted by Allison T on July 6, - We are renting a house in Japan right now and there isn't a lot of room for growing pumpkins. I chose a smaller pumpkin and i plan to try and grow them up a trellis. I am waiting till after the rainy seasons ends to start growing mid july.

Is there anything i can do to ensure the best possibly outcome. Im not looking for A lot of pumpkins just enough so my daughter can cut one off like we did before we moved here. Submitted by seb southuk on June 28, - Submitted by Tesco foreign exchange rate turkish lira on June 25, - 9: My daughter brought home a pumpkin seed she planted in a planting pot the iri stock market research reports that can be planted directly into the soil.

It obviously hasn't sprouted yet earn money blogging india she just planted it. I live in Virginia where its pretty hot already. Do I need to start the seed indoors and then plant it in the soil once its a bit bigger, or can I just plant it directly into the soil now Mid June since we won't be worried about frost?

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Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 25, - 3: Submitted by Lucas on June 25, - 7: May I know why did my pumpkin plant have whitedark green and translucent spot on leaves?

How can I solve this problem? It's hard can you make money foster parent know without seeing the damage, and knowing what the size of the spots are. Whitish spots can mean anything from powdery mildew to damage from an insect that likes to suck the sap from the leaves, causing stippling small spots over the surface of the leaves.

Translucents spots might be heat damage or sunscald. Dark green mottled areas might suggest a virus.

Bacterial leaf spot might also be a possibility. For more information about pumpkin pests and diseases, check these sites; you might look through the photos of damage to see if any match what you see on your pumpkins.

Submitted by DFeeken on June 18, - How do I pinch off the ends exactly? I have read about it but am still confused as to how to do it. Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 19, - 3: You can pinch the stem between your thumb and index finger if the stem is not thick until it breaks off, or you can use pruning shears recommended for thicker vines. Select an area along the stem that is just above a leaf node, which is where the leaves and leaf stems form on the vine.

So, once you make your cut, you should have a leaf node remaining at the end of the vine. This video shows using shears: This image shows the main, secondary, and tertiary branches on a pumpkin vine: Submitted meaning of wide bollinger bands Tom Fletcher on June 17, - Hi,I live in Ky and my pumpkins are already Blooming flowers and it only June is this normal or is it to soon.

Im a little worried Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 19, - The male flowers come first and will fall off. About 10 or so days later, the female flowers will show up. Then, the bees will pollinate.

Submitted by James Eckhoff on July 9, - 5: Are the male Pumpkin flowers just as edible as the female flowers, this is my first time planting pumpkins?

Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 14, - 8: In fact, we only pick the male flowers. We leave the female flowers which have a tiny pumpkin at the base on the plant so it turns into a pumpkin. The male flowers should be picked in the morning when they are in full bloom. Sostratos forex and prepare as you would a salad!

Submitted by MikeT09 on June 8, - 4: One of my large pumpkin plants vines broke due to high winds. It isn't broken all of the way through. I had the vine tied down with landscaping clips and have since reinforced it with more.

Should I give up on the plant, or is there a chance that it will continue to grow? So upset right now because this plant was absolutely thriving and I was hoping to produce a prize winner from it. It was the largest plant by far in my garden this year.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 10, - There is a chance that the vine will recover, as long as the break doesn't block all of the vessels in the plant that allow transport of water and plant nutrients, and as long diseases and pests don't set in. If the vine runs along the ground, as soon forex forex ea wwi you can, dig a depression underneath the broken area, wide enough to cover the break, and as far along the stem until just after the next leaf node where the leaves emerge from the stem.

Gently place the broken vine into the depression, making sure the broken stem fits as closely as possible to the original alignment. Cover the stem with soil--make sure the entire break is covered as well as one leaf node where leaves are emerging. Do not press the soil down. Water the area periodically.

Roots may eventually emerge at the leaf node. Submitted by Steve Burger on June 4, - 2: I am attempting to grow pumpkins for the first time and may have placed my seeds to close together. On one hill I have 4 plants growing in close proximity. Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 5, - 8: Hi Steve, You did the right thing. We plant multiple seeds because they do not always germinate. Once they do, select 2 of the healthiest and thin out the rest.

Pumpkins do not like to be moved or cultivated once planted so we would not advise digging them up. Submitted by Hollyjwiley on July 5, - 4: I broke up 2 pumpkins in yard yard last year after thanksgiving. I have 7 now that are turning orange. My question is why are my new baby pumpkins dying?? Submitted by Steven D on May 31, - Last year I put my store bought pumpkin in the "garden" in front of the house and let it rot over winter.

This year I have small plants coming up. Since it is a very small space I'll probably have to remove a few. How do I go about doing that and not hurting the one I leave?

They are very close together. Would one of those circular trellises work with Pumpkins. With the one I tried to grow last year need to self cultivate as the bees weren't doing their job and did it too late in the year I had so much vine. Just wondering if it would hurt the vine to go up the trellis and then back down. Submitted by Almanac Staff on June 2, - 9: You most certainly can grow pumpkins from latticework or a trellis. The challenge always remains to support the weight of the developing pumpkin if it starts to grow up in the air.

If you can somehow identify which ones you don't want, you can just cut them off or pinch off blooms. We would just let everything grow and have some fun with it, seeing which blooms seem to be healthiest and then pinching off others to focus that plant's energy on the best fruit. Submitted by Brandon"Chase"Rogers on May 11, - 7: Submitted by Almanac Staff on May 20, - 7: Submitted by JennF on April 3, - 9: Last year I planted three different varieties of pumpkin in Smart Pots, two being giant type and one being large type.

None of them did well at all! They were all very small and rotted quickly. I've had excellent luck in the past with Connecticut Field pumpkins but I grew them in my raised bed garden.

Our summer was also pretty mild last year My question is though, would planting pumpkins in pots effect their growth? Submitted by Almanac Staff on April 3, - For plants that typically need a lot of space, such as melons and pumpkins, a dwarf variety should be selected.

Submitted by JennF on April 12, - The pumpkins I planted had plenty of room to grow! I placed the pots in my back yard with adequate distance between them. I'll probably try again this year. Also, I noticed the main stem at the root of the plant ended up having a thick green film over it.

I used miracle grow, would that cause this? Hadn't ever seen it before. Submitted by Leslie James on December 7, - I want to get the seeds out of my pumpkins from this year to save to use to plant in the spring. I have not carved the pumpkins yet to get the seeds. Do you have any recommendations about how to get the seeds out and what to do with them over the winter so they will be ready to use to plant in the spring.

Do I just take the seeds out and wash them and get all of the pumpkin meat off of them and all the strings off and put them in a bag and keep them in my basement until spring or what should I do so that I can use the seeds in May or June to plant? Any suggestions so that I will have good seeds to plant in the spring? Thanks for your help. Submitted by Almanac Staff on December 8, - To save pumpkin seeds, wait until the pumpkin matures and then wait another 3 weeks before picking off the vine.

Then carve a hole in the pumpkin, scoop out the seeds and attached stringy pulp. Separate the seeds from the pulp, wash the seeds to remove any remaining bits of pulp some soak the seeds for 24 hours to help loosen the pulp before washingand then let them air dry on paper towels or newspaper at room temperature for about a month.

Then place them in an air-tight glass container, label and date, and store in a cool, dark, dry place for up to 3 years. For best viability, use within 1 year. The same is true for hybrid varieties of pumpkins: Submitted by Leslie James on December 8, - Thank you for your reply.

Once I have washed the pumpkin seeds and removed all of the pulp and stringy parts of the pulp, and I have washed and then let the seeds dry on a paper towel for a month, you suggested that I place them in an air tight glass container Can I put them in a zip lock baggie or a ziplock plastic storage container? Also, is it ok to have a large number of seeds all stored in one container or do they need to be lying flat one seed in it's own space or can the seeds be bunched up in a baggie or air tight glass container?

I am not sure I have an air-tight glass container, what type do you suggest I buy or find? Thanks again for your additional help! Submitted by Leslie James on December 29, - 2: Must I use a glass container?

Submitted by Almanac Staff on January 2, - You can save dry seeds in bags, envelopes or jars. You don't need to store the seeds in a single layer. Submitted by hawkstar78 on January 28, - Submitted by Vikas Sharma on October 30, - 3: What would be the best variety of pumpkin to grow in plastic mold so that it takes the desired shape of the mold?

Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 31, - 4: It seems that the person to ask might be the "Pumpkinstein" developer. You've heard of those: And he is not telling what that one is. Google "pumpkinstein" for more information on this. Thanks for your question! Submitted by Blasious Roger Submitted by Debby Stevens on June 19, - 6: I'm glad you have success with growing pumpkins!

I have many friends in Uganda - especially in and around Kampala, it turns out. I am not able to send them any funds as I'm not allowed. But I do give them advice now and then on things.

And sometimes have sent seeds but cut down a lot on that as they often got stolen there. Submitted by Jonathan Muncie on October 7, - 1: I planted and grown some a year ago and now I am raising and selling pumpkins for FFA it's my CDE project for the year. Submitted by Rexx on October 1, - 8: I have been growing pumpkins successfully for a few years now, mainly for the kids. I have a friend that asked me to grow her some next season. She is looking to get the most seeds possible out of the pumpkins to eat.

I cant seem to find any varieties that specify seeds. I live in North eastern ontario canada. Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 2, - 1: Although any pumpkin should work fine for eating the seeds called pepitasyou might try a naked-seeded variety, which originated in Austria. Search for terms such as hull-less seed pumpkins, naked-seed pumpkins, oil-seed pumpkins, or Styrian pumpkins.

These have a very thin hull around the seed, and are bred specifically for eating the seeds which can be green or other colors. Some of these pumpkin varieties have an orange rind while others are striped with green.

A few varieties might be good for cooking or carving as well, while others offer the sole benefit of tasty seeds. Lady Godiva, Kakai, and Triple Treat. Snack Jack and Baby Bear are semi hull-less. Submitted by Bryan k on September 30, - 3: I tried growing jack o larnterns a few times with no luck. This is my best year. I'm down to 2 pumpkins After the flower falls off. The little hole is exposted. Should I plug it with a tooth pick or tape it to prevent bugs from going in.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on October 1, - Hi, Bryan, It sounds like it's your male flowers that have dropped off. This is natural; these do not produce pumpkins. The male flowers come first and provide pollen for bees to polinate the female flowers. There is no swelling future fruit at the base of male flower stems. So just leave them alone; the are doing what nature intended. However, if the female flower is not pollinated, it too will drop off and, of course, no fruit will be forthcoming.

So that is also a possibility, sorry to say. So, in short, don't plug anything or tape it. Just keep an eye on the plant and see what happens. You do not say where you are, but almost everywhere it seems late in season for pumpkins to develop Submitted by Donovan J on April 15, - 9: Submitted by JessicaDoor on September 26, - I live in Missouri, about 40 miles from St. I was wondering when the best time frame is to plant pumpkin seeds for my location?

Missouri is such a finicky state when it comes to weather. Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 29, - Louis and central area of the date, the best planting dates for pumpkins is June 10 to Submitted by Love to garden on September 18, - I live on the Southern Oregon Coast.

I have about 35 sugar pumpkins on the vine. Some are very close to complete ripening but the foggy, wet season is fast approaching. Can I harvest the pumpkins and place them under a grow light to finish ripening? Will it be too hot?

I'm hoping to can them to keep for baking later in the year. Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 19, - It's best to leave the pumpkins on the vine as long as possible. If you pick them when they are still green, wash and wipe them with a mild bleach solution to prevent any mold. You can try the grow light but keep it high enough so it doesn't heat the pumpkins. Submitted by April Tyree on September 10, - 8: I just bought a pack of pumpkin tree seeds.

I'm looking for information on how to grow them as far as planting the seeds to the actual time it takes the fruit to mature. I know this is really a type of egg plant, but still I am having a hard time finding information on this plant.

Submitted by maureen caron on September 6, - 9: I planted my pumpkin seeds in mid June, and the vines have grown awfully large that they have taken over the whole garden. My question is I have numerous shapes and sizes of pumpkins now but, they are still green when should I harvest them?

I live in Alberta. Submitted by norbert on September 7, - 2: I would Leave them be, keep them dry and warm,so they can orange prior to picking them off the vine. Cover them every night as they are very sensitive to the cold Mid September will be a good time to harvest them. Submitted by Grantford on August 30, - After 3 years in a row of trying to grow a pumpkin in my backyard in Chicago with no luck, not even to get a female flower pollinated.

I have successfully hand pollinated a female flower last Monday August 25th. It is now Saturday and it looks like the fruit has set. I know its late in the season but is there anything I can do to help this pumpkin ripen and make it before the frost comes??? I have done a lot of research but still have no idea how long from successful pollination of the female flower to a ripe pumpkin takes??? What is the day range from successful pollination to a ripe pumpkin?

Even though it was 85 degrees today should I cut the leafs around the baby fruit? Submitted by Almanac Staff on September 2, - 8: Once your pumpkins are pollinated, it could take 50 to 90 days to harvest. It really depends on the pumpkin variety and conditions.

Pumpkins need LOTS of sunlight and warmth to ripen and turn orange, so that is the biggest issue as the days get "shorter. If the pumpkin is still green when the season is over, then take it off the vine, wash it, and place it on a sunny deck or patio--or, eventually, inside in a sunny place.

Rotate the pumpkin so the green parts get sunlight. Submitted by Linda G. Johnson on August 26, - Amature grower needs to know when to harvest?

After turning orange, do I just leave on ground to see how large they will get, and for how long? Now that it's late August, getting very concerned.

Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 26, - Hi Linda, If your pumpkins are orange and the skin is hard they are mature and probably will not grow much bigger. When the vine closest to the ripe pumpkin turns brun and hard it's time to pick the pumpkin.

Just make sure you harvest the pumpkins before there is a chance of frosty nights. See our harvest and storage advice on this page.

Submitted by RachelS02 on August 23, - 3: I am a novice gardener and started my pumpkins inside this year. I have two pumpkins that are a lovely orange but the skin is easily punctured by my thumb nail. Are these ready to harvest? Also, I have many more pumpkins just starting out, with the blossom still attached. Will these be ready in time for halloween? I live in Eastern Washington state. Any advice would be appreciated. Submitted by sshaw on August 22, - I just saw my first "flower bloom" this morning.

It feel off the stem. My question is about pruning. I did my 1st pruning about 1 month after the seeds were put in the grown. I'm afraid to continue with more pruning. How often do u recommend pruning? Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 26, - 9: Pruning is recommended to keep the plant manageable.

Pruning involves cutting off the secondary vines that grow off the main vine. You do not want to trim all the way back to the main stem. Towards the end of the season you can prune the main stem about 10 to 15 feet away from the last fruit on the plant, if it gets out of control. Submitted by AshBeck on August 20, - 7: Hello, We live in Orange County, Ca. I planted mini pumpkins in a large pot and my first female flower was pollinated today! I also planted in our ground a Halloween mix and I have tons of male flowers!

I spotted my first female bud on the vine today. I hope I start getting more females. Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 21, - 7: Our only suggestion is patience. The males come onto the scene a week or two before the first females. Just be sure you have plenty of pollinators around to do their thing when the females arrive or you need to take a Q-tip and pollinate the flowers when they open in the morning.

Submitted by ALONZO CARLTON on August 22, - 7: It is normal to see a lot of male flowers first but just keep checking because somewhere there is a female flower that you have overlooked. I think that they are outnumbered to one. Submitted by Mega mama on August 17, - Hello this is my second year planting pumkins.

Last year being a successful one, i planted more seeds. Each one has come up. I planted them in may? Well i thought there should be beginner pumpkins.

But the only thing i have is vines and all male flowers. Is it still early i live in northern indiana and we did have a late planting season also it has only been hot like two days a week. Will i get any pumkins by halloween. Submitted by Frank DeFlavio on August 18, - 2: They seemed to be growing fine. A little powdery mildew that I think is in check.

Recently I noticed 1 plant that's leaves seem to be wilting. It has since died along with its fruit. Now I am seeing some early signs of the wilting on other plants. The leaves didn't seem to turn color first just drooped over and eventually died. Any ideas what this is or how to treat. Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 19, - If your plants look healthy you should have some female flowers soon. It is getting late in the season and I'm not sure that your pumpkins will have time to mature before Halloween.

Did you check how many days to maturity on the seed package? Wish for some warm weather and cross your fingers! Submitted by Sheeve on August 15, - I live in Missouri. My pumpkins are turning orange but I noticed this morning they are a bit soft on the side that isn't resting on the ground. The vines mostly look healthy, I've battled those darn squash bugs all summer.

Every morning, I pick the eggs off and kill everything I see. I know I miss many. I think if I pick my pumpkins that are somewhat soft, they will rot. What do you think is causing them to soften before they are ready to pick? Could be a number of things, from diseases, insects, or cultural problems such as too much water. If the vines and leaves look OK no wilting, spots, signs of mildew, chewed leaves, etc.

Insects can introduce diseases to the fruit--are there any entrance holes that you can detect in the pumpkin?

You probably haven't had night temperatures cool enough to cause tissue damage yet. Anyone else have advice? Submitted by Sarah aka Hawah on August 15, - I had some plants volunteer in my compost buckets, so I transplanted a few into one of the straw bales I've been using as a raised bed this year. Most of them died, but one survived to become a thriving pumpkin plant. Unfortunately, I didn't realize it was a pumpkin until after I'd already harvested it too early.

I'm hoping that one of the many flowers will fruit - will be trying some manual pollination to see if I can increase the odds since our weather has been a bit drippy the last few days. Meanwhile, I've learned that the straw bale is a wonderful medium for growing pumpkins. I didn't have to do anything to convince it to grow, just watered maybe four-five times so far during the dry season. I'm in the Pacific Northwest, so rainfall was adequate for keeping things moist for most of the growing season.

The pumpkin vine started out on the top of the bale, then grew down the side and ran along the ground. Very pretty effect, and no issues with the pumpkin plant trying to smother my other plants in the tops of the bales. I definitely recommend it for those who have space limitations. I'm thinking next year I might try making a small pyramid of bales and letting the vines grow down from the top.

Not sure the bales would remain stable, but it's worth a try. Submitted by Wend on August 13, - My pumpkins are mature, I think. Do I have to take them off the vine right away or will they rot? Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 14, - 1: If your pumpkin is uniformly orange and the rind is hard, you should harvest, we would harvest it.

If you leave it in the field, it's more prone to disease and infection. Submitted by AnonymousQ on August 10, - 1: We through our decomposing pumpkin from Halloween last year that we didn't take the time to carve onto our pile of yard debris.

Now we have a huge pumpkin vine. It was growing so prolifically we had to cut it back this weekend. I'm afraid my wife may have been a bit too aggressive in her pruning. Now we have 4 good pumpkins and about as many leaves. I think I'm going to have to water it a bit more than normal to help it recover. I'm hoping it hasn't been killed now. Any encouragement would be helpful.

Submitted by Cooper Byrne on August 11, - I have some white pumpkins, maybe over 50 pounds. How do I know when to pick them? I want to put them in the garage before the squash bugs work on them I also have some porcelain doll pumpkins which have turned pink. Check the "days to harvest" on the seed packet. The vines may start to brown and decay, but leave the pumpkins on the vine until they are difficult to puncture with a fingernail.

If a hard frost is expected, harvest before it hits. Porcelain doll pumpkins can be harvested when fully pink and the stem becomes corky. Some growing conditions such as very hot weather may cause some of these pumpkins not to turn pink. Look for a corky stem and a hard rind. It might recover, but it may now also be putting energy into producing more leaves, which make food for the plant.

If it looks like the plant is weakening, remove one or two of the developing pumpkins, so that the plant won't spend energy on maturing more fruit than it can handle. Submitted by April Rife on August 10, - I have 3 Huge pumpkins that are doing well.

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However, the vines are starting to wither from the root and up the vine. My question is this: Should I harvest the pumpkins now before the vine dies up to the fruit? The pumpkins are a bright deep orange but the skin is still very tender. Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 11, - Leave them on the vines as long as possible. If your pumpkins are orange they are ripe but need just some time to cure.

Submitted by gravureguy on August 9, - Pumpkin blossoms are very tasty too. PIck them in the AM when open but bee sic careful to avoid the pollinators. I pick only the male flowers to eat. To tell them apart from the females look for a small bulbous node at the base of the flower I have also found that our pond hold some excellent fertilizer in the form of carp and catfish. Bury one, mark the spot and plant 6 inches away next year JUst get ready for a VERY prolific pumpkin patch Submitted by Kim DLR on August 7, - I planted some pumpkin seeds about two weeks ago in a big container, and although there are 5 seedlings going now, I plan to thin them out to three after they reach a few inches in height.

I have PLANT-TONE organic fertlizer, which my local nursery recommends for just about everything, and I put some in the pot when I planted them roughly a handful; it's a big pot! The nursery recommends that I apply again in about three weeks. The temperatures here in South Texas are pretty high; heat index reaches triple digits.

I'm watering about once or twice a week. To prevent squash borers, I'm going to put some pantyhose over the top of the pot. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 8, - Hi Kim, See the "Care" section on this page for helpful information about growing the pumpkins. Just remember to water often as containers tend to dry up quickly in summer heat. Remove any covering when the flowers appear so that your pumpkins can be pollinated. Submitted by Bea on August 3, - 5: My brothers grandchildren plated pumpkins in containers, they got out of control so that were planted in my garden.

I am confused, there are what seems to be different types of pumpkins or squash off the same fine. Some are round, some oblong, some orange, some green striped. I am trying to figure out if this is common with some plants. I have no idea what they are. Could you help with this? Submitted by Almanac Staff on August 4, - Perhaps it will be fun for the kids! Submitted by Becky Milota on August 2, - 8: I had planted butternut squash, zucchini and yellow squash. During a storm, all my plants were damaged or killed.

The one that survived is growing well and now looks like pumpkins. It went from looking like a pumpkin shaped zucchini to a dark green pumpkin. Will it turn orange and is it edible? Submitted by Cheyne Findlay on July 30, - This is the first time that we are growing pumpkins. We live in central Ontario Canada, so I am hoping we have the time to grow them. My question is,you say to prune the vines, do you mean to cut off the larger leaves, and if so do I cut them off at the main stem?

Have lots of flowers,and a lot of very large leaves, but no sign of a pumpkin yet. Submitted by Almanac Staff on July 31, - 9: Hi, Cheyne, Pumpkin pruning involves cutting off the vines that grow off the main vine. This should help the plant to develop fruit, too. You can prune the main stem about 10 to 15 feet away from the last fruit on the plant, if it gets out of control. By the way, too much nitrogen in the fertilizer and soil can lead to more foliage than fruit.

Think of the three numbers that appear on fertilizer: Perhaps a bit of phosphorus is needed. As you know, pumpkins need a long season to mature. If you get fruit, be prepared to protect it from frost, if necessary. Check your average fall frost date here: Submitted by theotherevelyn on August 5, - 2: Submitted by jlouise on July 30, - Looking for early pumpkins for a photo shoot.

Does anyone know where I might be able to find some that could be shipped? Based in Wisconsin and haven't been able to find a local source. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Submitted by Jennifer Harris on August 2, - 8:

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