Does turbotax handle stock options

Posted: Asmal Date: 02.06.2017

Hughes Optioneering

I would say that generally you can use the RSU step by step interview, but do you really need to? I guess that you've been awarded some amount of your employer's stock and the "fair market value" of the award, or, if you paid something for the stock, the "spread" between the amount you paid and the "fair market value" of the award , has been reported as compensation on your W Further, since you've referenced a TurboTax list that "includes ESPP, NQSO, ISO, RS, RSU", I guess that some of that stock has been sold.

It's been sold either "for taxes", i. It doesn't really matter why you sold the stock, your basis in the stock in all cases is the same: That's the per share "fair market value" your employer used to calculate the compensation.

The next thing to understand is that there's no "income tax reporting" reason to use any of the "employer stock" step by step interviews to report the sale. IF you know the correct basis in the stock - and you should - THEN you can simply report the sale as a sale of "stock". The only issue with reporting the sale of employer stock is that brokers only need report the "out of pocket" basis of the stock sold.

Does turbotax recognize Stock Appreciation Right (SAR)? It is t - TurboTax Support

So what you need to do is to simply enter the B exactly as it reads and then click the blue "I'll enter additional info on my own" button. On the next page enter the correct basis in the "Corrected cost basis" box.


does turbotax handle stock options

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Back to search results. Does turbotax recognize Stock Appreciation Right SAR? It is type of employee stock plan. Turbotax list includes ESPP, NQSO, ISO, RS, RSU but not SAR. My employer, I believe, has recognized this on my W Asked by blassjr Options Edit Ask for details Archive.

Recommended Answer 2 people found this helpful I would say that generally you can use the RSU step by step interview, but do you really need to? Was this answer helpful?

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Non-Qualified Stock Options - TurboTax Tax Tips & Videos

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does turbotax handle stock options

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