Bible gann stock market

Posted: Nike59 Date: 15.06.2017
bible gann stock market

WD Gann was born on a farm some 7 miles out of Lufkin, Texas at Gann, and Susan R. At 13, Gann travelled the trains selling cigars and newspapers.

bible gann stock market

In so doing, he overheard many conversations on investing—he listened. Gann wondered if it were indeed possible to predict the future.

Experts say this magical numerological chart has predicted stock market for over years. | Altered Dimensions Paranormal

Many conversations he had overheard seemed to revolve around predicting the prices that their cotton would bring. Gann moved to New York in at the age of 25 and began working at a major Wall Street Brokerage house.

During the First World War, he and his family moved from Manhattan to Brooklyn. Gann reportedly predicted the November 9, abdication of the Kaiser and the end of the war. Gann began by studying the basic principles of price patterns and philosophy on how to accumulate wealth, and keep it.

After becoming successful, he wanted to know why and how markets, and numbers repeated under certain time cycles. This led to further studies of ancient geometry and astrology.

This research led to Gann accumulating over 50 million dollars up until his death on the 18th June WD Gann became the only Financial Lyric to the song money maker black keys of his time. He also forecast that the stock exchange would close due to panic selling on 3rd Octoberthe low was on 5th October and the market rallied from It was possible that the planes were a tax deduction and he flew the money bible gann stock market made to a South American bank account.

Since his death, W. Gann has become something of a legend in financial circles.


His capacity to make big financial gains both on the market, pricing barrier option Cuban lottery and horse racing gave him a reputation for uncanny foreknowledge of market trends. The rumour circulates even now that he would enter his numbers at the Cuban lottery on one date and fly to Cuba on the day of the selection in his private plane flown by his young female pilot to pick up his winnings without waiting for prior notification.

He is said to have predicted WW1 in and the resulting panic in stocks. He predicted improvements in business in and in November he forecasted the end of the Bull Market in stocks for September 3, Inof 98 trades in cotton, grain and rubber, 83 trades showed a profit.

In one of his books. The allusion to Jehovah as the Lost Word in the work cited above, for instance, is recognisable to Royal Arch Masons. Gann was a member of Commonwealth-Stella Lodge No.

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Yet his Masonic career is not the key to his successes on Wall Street. Dropped his Masonic affiliation in Home WD Gann Workshop Home Study Free Articles Free Links Frauds. Links Gann Discredited WD Gann Booklist.

D Gann WD Gann was born on a farm some 7 miles out of Lufkin, Texas at Site Updated Thursday, 22 June

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